Show 1 1 Kinds of SugarCane SugarCane Sugar Sugar- Cane Found in Guinea SYD SYDNEY EY New South Wales Sept 19 Discovery AP-Discovery of varieties of sugar cane iri iii New Guinea which will be studied at Sydney and Washington to determine deter deter- mine their resisting dIsease quail quail- ties was reported by an AmerIcan expedition which returned here to- to day clay the ion travers traversed d a country s for its headhunting headhunting head head- hunting tribes three three- times flying mileS mileS' canoeing miles and walking more The party was headed by Dr D. D 1 tL Brandes senior pathologist of the sugar plants division United States department of agriculture a n lie was was accompanied by Dr Jacob ot of Hollar I 1 and C. C E. E Pemberton pem Pem- berton of the Hawaiian sug sugar r plantS plant plant- S station |