Show mith Answers Eight Questions on Farm did Aid prohibition Tariff Lt Li i or Not BI Issue He Hex R Replies plies to Ten N NeI Ne- Ne x I s D Defines fines States States' Rights in D Dry L Law w Matter J. J I OMAHA Neb Sept ept 19 APIn AP- AP In winding up his address in omaha last night Governor Smith answered an an- ered from the platform eight q dealing with prohibition m relief and the tariff which he had been been asked in i a full page ad- ad carried In the newspapers per pers and sIgned by Nebraskans They styled themselves citizens f of both artles but Arthur Mullen Demo n national from J said all were Re- Re Their names are A. A W. W Jeffries Wayland Magee Harry E E Sackett ackett Norris Brown Blown Ernest M Pollard 4 e A. A Davis Fred Wead C Cn rles E. E S Sandall E. E 0 Brown anc and L. L R. R The tex text o of f the questions as and the gov nors nor's replies follow Whal Q S federal t legisla- legisla U n do you rou v. p for farm farrr relief re- re lief I A U these g had my mT speech ot of a c a th there re would be no on p. p for that ques- ques tion t I made that in n Omaha tonight that the wort inS out the principle f f lifting t tl e sun surplus lus is to b hand handed d to a a. mission to to be out during durins- the winter ON LIQUOR Q- Q Q Dc you rou believe b the tha Ill be more prosperous with er t without Why A A I asSUme that this Is au an group of men that h have an l understanding ot of what Is on around the country Nobody no living person no how wise no matter how well informed inform d. d no nom m matter how far seeing could make maka any any- answer to that question bease be- be ase there has never been liquor out of this country Q- Q Q Do Do you believe that liquor istha is the tha great issue In this campaign A r certainly do not How Q can you square your support of Democratic candidates tor forr congress pledged against liquor with what you say you will do folo fOl liquor Why A know what idea men must have ot of th the debates de- de bates the platform and the tho speeches ot of acceptance It If they paid the slightest atte attention to they could not a ask k that kind of a. a question because there Is nothing that the president can do about liquor All he can do de i 1 recommend the to-the congress and he be can assume the leadership of the tho American peo- peo peo-I peo plo in an effort to show them that hIs recommendation is right hat fiat is what I propose to do and let the tho AmerIcan people make the decision as they will have to do do How Q can I support a dry Democrat candidate for congress FREE IN OPINIONS That A question came up in inthe inthe the national convention and the rational convention deliberatelY through the report of the committee on credentials left every Democrat in the United States free to express his own individual opinion of af what he thought on that subject Now you have an admirable scholarly gentleman running for United States senator hero heTa Mr I understand th that t Nebraska Nebraska Ne- Ne braska is dry drY but but I would never ask Mr Metcalfe to turn his back on the tho people of his state stata until such time as he can enn come out aut here and convince them that they are not tackling the problem the right way How Q will your proposal for forthe forthe the sale ot of liquor in n. n tow few states meet your issue of personal lI liberty in the other states The A prevention ot of the sale of af liquor is In the exercise o of police il power ower and I have clearly showed that that if a majority of the people of ofa a given state voted for far the exercise jot ot that police power in that direction diree- diree ion tion they should get it to the limit On the other hand following the well defined Jeffersonian principle Of states state's rights the state that does root mat want the exercise of that police power ought to be in a a. 1 through a a. majority of the people to oay so Are Q you sun still persOnally opposed op- op posed to the St. St Lawrence waterway waterway water water- way way 1 LEAVES IT TO CONGRESS Why A if the gentlemen had just gust looked at my speech of af ae- ae C tance they would have seen that I made as clear a declaration on that as any man could make I frankly said aid to the American people peo- peo p e that while I was the governor oi o the state of af New York I favored the American all route because it through that state but inasmuch inasmuch inas- inas much as the figures affecting the St. St Lawrence canal as well as the American all route are disputed by sOano so-nn eminent engineers I am willing willing will will- ing to leave it to congress after as a. study of the matter Now No 7 is something of a at t question It says You have havo stated that the Underwood Underwood Un- Un derwood tariff law Jaw fulfills the pledge ot of this years year's Dem Democratic r rIy platform Iy dy answer to these distinguished gentlemen is that I never said that and I challenge them to find It in any public paper of mine The last one De number eight is this Are you in favor of higher food prices in the city or lower food prices on the farm My answer to that is that the i farmer can get t the full tun benefit of af the Value of et his crop without increasing increasing in- in creasing the price in the city |