Show 1 Sugar Market I 0 NEW TORK Sept l' l The AP raw sugar ugar market wu va unsettled today by the actIon acton ot of the futures market markel and as a. asno no sales aale re reported prices snore nor or I. I lesa nominal although albough Sugar augan In the nearby neuby positions were avaIlable at eon con or 3 for spots duty paid pahI The raw su sugar ar futures market was WI weak wuk and unsettled After opening de- de CUnes of 1 to 3 pOints point active sold old 4 to 5 I below the close and Into new low ground for the euon Selling appeared to come chiefly chief chief- ly Iy boules wilts Ith producing tiOne tona although there was I also alao a good deal deat ot of tired tred long lIquidation promoted by the failure oj of demand to broaden In Inthe Inthe the spot pot market and to snore more log Ing Irons from Porto Rico whore here the damage by the recent hurrIcane is I. not believed ed bele to be ot of very large ton Covering checked tha th decline and alight I ht rallies followed with wih the market at midday about 3 to 4 points net lower The refined sugar m wu was quiet and unc unchanged at leOe for tine fIne N NEW W YORK TORK Sept 19 1 Sugar AP-Sugar Sular AP-Sular futures doted el easy approximate sales le 1100 tons ton September ISle Decem ber bel March May ay 2240 Jul July |