Show 33 33 Real Real Estate Loans- Loans Contracts MORTGAGE loans Commercial in in- n. n ri Residential farm m. m Call CalI Mac Max Loll 1 8 or S 1753 WE buy sell or trade homes lots equities t s. s Dowell Wilkinson Co 3 3 W WANT ANT TO SELL YOUR EQUITY 7 SPROUL L. L 5 S 34 E. E 2nd South WB VI pay c cash sh for contracts and nd equities Badger Realty 3 WE xvi BUY BIA re real l estate Gad Gad- Inv thy S. S Main IaIn 4 Real 34 Estate Wanted LOTS OF LOTS We Wo are Dro looking for lor 1 or 50 If you want to sd sell now Is tho time Call 84 BUILD ORIS REALTY WE T personally pay c. c cash h for ho homes es Any good cast par side location Badger Realty Co O. O 3 WE 1 buy bW sell or trade homes lots e C equities ci Qui U I t tie I e s. s Co 3 J OWNER has neat nelt small home and cash esh difference for bedroom 3 homo home nr n. I u III troll 11 11 WILL WILL BUY BOY R. R E. E CONTRACTS UNITED BOND 5 FINANCE 9 36 Farm 36 36 Form Acreage Ranches List With Lewis FOR ACTION CORNISH 1 UTAH 1245 acres ceres all oil cultivated and Irrigated and fen fenced ed 6 modern mod ern em home home stoker stoker heat car 2 go- go o rage Grade A barn born lounging shed milk parlor coops etc Plenty o of water ater In West Cache Coche Irr Co I 1 11 I mitch cows com 14 young heifers mixed 38 beef stock con can be had hod at ot mar mar- ket Will trade for cattle cottlo ranch ranch- to capacity or cr will sell sel for with wilh cash and terms on tho the balance at 4 AVi FILLMORE UTAH acres cultivated C and Irrigated In pasture all fenced Planted In hay and grain groin 2 homes 5 5 and room 4 one new neVi and one OM remodeled garage Born small coops rooFs pig sty granary machine shed corrals 9 flowing wells end and 3 reservoirs Feed yard for List of machinery to operate Will exchange for a c business building or s sell for McKINNON WYOMING acres ceres with cult cultivated ot d and Irrigated In pa pasture tur all fenced and ond cross fen fenced d. d Crops Crops hay hay and grain room 4 home home garage Barn coops granary sheds and cellar Water Wafer from Henrys Henry's Fork and ond spring List of equipment to oper oper- ate Bus to school and one half mile to church with 29 cash and 10 yrs on balance at 5 Interest 1 C. C Ed Lewis Co REALTOR E. E 3rd South Phone 3 FREE catalogue containing thou thousands of choice choke listings of farms forms and ranchos ranches from coast to coast coot All All types all oil prices all states Over big brokers cooperate to make It easy for you to find what you want Wont where you want it Saves Savas lots lotsof lotsof lotsof of time money and expense e. e Published Pub monthly Sent free upon re re quest National Notional Business Brokers Clearing House C. C Ed Lewis Co Realtor East 3rd South Phone 3 CATTLE RANCH Excellent Uintah Basin property Including all ll livestock and nd new or nearly new equipment valued at atmore atmore more snore than acres of excellent well watered land in alfalfa and meadow 5 room modern home Includes electricity and Z 2 room home for lor help Grade A milk equipment all new barns and sheds This property will ill support year around head cattle Total sale price Owner will accept god t od property in trade Will carry contract with reasonable reasonable reason reason- able cash down payment BALLARD REAL REALTY TV 84 1421 87 1095 84 2762 13 ACRES 3 mod home new flew Clo Close e In on good road wired for or orran ran range ranee e and water Barn elec pump 8 young youns Guernsey cows rood good producers Milk pickup Option Option Op Op- tion lion on 92 acres Write for lor det details Frank G. G Taylor Rt itt 2 Box al Wash Wah JOG HOG RANCH Stocked RANCH Stocked with pure pure- bred Fully equipped three houses good outbuildings 32 ho hoc hos corrals plenty water Six Sl miles mUes from rom MIssoula MIs- MIs soula Montana Mon a. a Price terms Owner Write Bo Box N 25 V WANT ANT to lease acre ranch in Wyoming on shares Man Ian with wilh tractor trac trae tor tar to pull 3 bottom plows pre proS erred 7 So State Suter 37 Livestock 37 Livestock for Sale Sate 3 FRESH Holstein cows and 3 fresh Holstein heifers 2 fresh Jersey Jerse cows 1 fresh Shorthorn heifer heiler 4 r ready to freshen 1 reg if lt Holstein n bull buU Highland Dr 87 HEREFORD or Guernsey bull service service ice deli Ph Mur W. BULL and boar service ice delivered Call Bowden at it 87 BUY SELL TRADE THADE CATTLE Reed Fuller S. S East 87 BULL boar service delivered Buy haul hanl Andrus Mur 1015 J or 16 38 38 Livestock Livestock Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID for your dead or useless horses horse cows cow and p pigs s. s For prompt service UTAH PRODUCTS BY-PRODUCTS CO SALT LAKE 4 2818 or 6 C OR OGDEN 2 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LIVE UVE HORSES FUR BREEDERS COOP OP I MIDVALE 51 TOP rOP prices paid for horses dead or alive 7 or Mid 39 Poultry 39 Poultry Baby Chicks i 1 EGG KG G size elec auto incubator and 3 complete oil aU brooders All in excel cond condo Mid BED RED fryers and 19 W V Gre son Ave S S. S Mam Nain Call 6 2855 OLD 8 laying Le Leghorn horn pullets Call can Mur lur J. 67 Poultry Wanted DRAPER POULTRY PRODUCTS Culling done M. M Erickson 6 8 84 T. T Conta ConLa 6 87 1939 POULTRY wanted Call Mid Slid Hay 40 Grain Feed BEST EST hay in tn valley del lare or small lots Reas fleas Mur bales of oC clean elem straw Call Midvale W STRAW WIRE TIED CALL BOUNTIFUL 61 M TON bright alfalfa hay 3 or 87 GOOD leafy leaCy ba hay hoy in barn Snarr 65 N. N East Sm Sandy lY 41 Dogs 41 Dogs Birds Rabbits REGISTERED Irish setter male Sale reasonable or trade 8 6 U 2380 2880 O Hartford St. St puppy CLEARANCE QUALITY COCKERS 1553 Mill creek Way So Highland Dr r 3 PED Toy Boston pups Champion stock These pups arc tops No West PUREBRED cocker cocKcr spaniel puppies 1379 East OLD YEAR Siamese female lemale very reas seas Murray 2 W. 2 EXCEL double hutches u e 1 egle 25 Li g S does docs 1 I buck es 35 for or all hl 6 4 ig WIREHAIR PUPS best bred reg rca Reasonable 3 SHETLAND sheep dog dolt miniature collie come puppies 6 GREAT Dane Dane Male Male purebred 1 0 W. W Haven Ave 0 2034 f 41 Dogs 41 Dogs Birds Rabbits PUREBRED PUREBRED RED DACHSHUND PUPPIES 87 13 reg boxer PUPS Fawn awn males sire Break Brenk Away Aay of Crest CreeL El EI Mor Kennels I B St. St t. t Rupert Ida Phone TWO English Setter pups 5 6 mos nos old purebred 1 orange 1 blue sire siro champion Cases General Jackson Jack JIck son best beet in show how winner 7 43 Farm 43 Farm and Garden APP APPLES all kinds priced low Jow Vernal honey 1596 So East POT POT rod red w wh onions carrots apples SI 21 bu up 2620 S. S Slain Main Meats Groceries Meats Groceries EXPERT cutting and ct Tapping for for locker or homo home freezer lb ib Finest curing of or ham and bacon I lb Ib Stop n Shop Market South 2nd West Vest Murray 45 Soil Soft Soil and Fertilizer DRIVEWAY A Y GRAVEL spread Sand gravel pea crave cravel 6 l g 6 Farm Farm Supply LATE model s Surge rc J cooler water heater 2 Holstein heifers 3 So West or 8 46 Lets Let's Lets Let's Swap SHOT Now DEER DEER w will I sell or trade Mauser custom built rifle Bishop stock scope sc-ope for dec elec range ranco to lo rook cook it Call or ceo feo at E. E South TWO English Setter pups 5 mos moe old 1 orange 1 blue purebred for anything of oC equal value 7 VACUUMS VACUUMS All All kinds Sell or trade trado for lor thing arc of oC value 5 WILL TRADE double sot set for lor twin bedroom set 6 FRIGID automatic v washer 50 or trade J St. St Phone 3 Fuel 47 47 Coal Wood V BETTER flETTEn COAL COAL Better Better prices plus plus green stamps 8 84 1361 Materials SAVE USED BUILDING MATERIALS Used iced TOILET 1995 Us Used d LATH-Bundle LATH Used Doors Windows Doors Windows Pips P Pipe pe Fittings Fittings Both Bath Tubs Sinks Sinks Basins USED 4 ft 4 per sq ft 5 ft It 5 per sq ft 6 ft 6 per sq ft All Bargains NEW DAMAGED ITEMS OIL WATER HEATER gal size ONLY BURNER 3 KEROSENE STOVE- STOVE White enamel ONLY TWIN TEMP COAL HEA HEATER TER-arcu- TER ONLY CARPET SWEEPERS ROUGH BASIN FAUCETS FORNACE FILTERS up ODD LOT PAINT TONE KEM-TONE ETC 50 OFF South State Builders SOUTH STATE 7 SAVE 15 1525 25 25 25 On New Windows and Doors NEW AND USED LUMBER construction construe construe- tion and mining timber railroad ties and telephone poles Asphalt Shingles sq Sheeting felt 2nd I 50 roll Used table cabinets shelves helves NEW AND USED PIPE AND FITTINGS FIllINGS Paint Hardware are Cement end cod Tools ALLIED MATERIALS CO 1585 V W. W North Temple 9 2040 0 9 2043 GARAGES BUILT TO ORDER Nothing down 3 years to pay ay First payment due 2 months after Job Is completed COPE BROS LUMBER CO S. S Redwood Rd Phone 91 1365 0 65 or night 5 GARAGES Will build to your specifications Free estimate and terms Building materials of all kinds PA PAYLESS BUILDERS SUPPLY 75 S. S Redwood Rd Rei 9 Fir Sheeting 7 57 c. c ft f. f Fir Fi 1120 c. c f ft f. f t. t Insulation bag Rock Wool Insulation bag bac NATIVE LUMBER CO 2287 S. S Main 6 2441 USED USE food garage gaage good cond condo Also doors windows widows recessed tub toilets pipe etc Used lumber luber East Est South 6 SALE SALE Martin Martin overhead garage door installed complete Pivot 5 75 track 65 8 W WANTED AlI bides to move mo or wreck Call Paul Havens Co 6 Machin Machinery Machinery ry Pipe Tools COMPRESSORS FOR RENT New and used compressors rock drills dris hose paving breakers etc elc Available straight rental or rental rental- purchase J J. J K K IC WHEELER MAC MACH MAClI 1485 So 2nd West 84 STRUCTURAL and plate steel seel new and nd used pipe boiler boleI flues fues truck chas chains compressors tanks Wasatch Metal Salvage W. W 3rd South Ph 84 8 Tons New Steel Angles beams flats fals and plate MONSEY IRON ION AND METAL CO So 3rd W. W V MEA 3 LITTLE Giant tap and die set J 14 to toV V al National coarse thread Vi 1 V to National fine thread Complete In lne case casc 50 E. E E 1st So 5 i WAYNE ELECTRIC W. W South Motors transformers machinery ma chinery bought sold 84 8 PIPE PIPE Schrader r Plumbing and Heating Heat Heat- tag ing Ig Co 1727 Windsor Windo St. St C INCH 12 standard wt plain end Pipe 30 W. W South w. w 4 4 2 18 b by ply 4 l used conveyor belt Long i pieces rec S1 l if o eg per 1 ft 7 48 Miscellaneous 48 48 for Sale CASH FOR FIXTURES MERCHANTS SALVAGE SAVAGE COMPANY tAN CO 11 E. E 1st South Dial 5 2102 USED fluorescent fixtures assorted assorted as as- sorted valves used pipe and fit tings C Can be seen at nt W W. South Phone RUMMAGE SALE Guadalupe Mission Mison W. W So Wednesday Jan 16 50 10 5 amS 5 pm p.m. WE RENT paint spraying equipment wallpaper steamers hand sanders floor foor sanders ander and polishers hers 45 4 3 DESERET PAINT S. S State WANT DESKS 5 2102 WRINGER ROLLS ROLL to fit l any washer Repairing Pickup and del del 4 Apex Sales Sale Service Sen Serice E E. E 3rd S. S GOOD OIL HEATER Heats Heal 5 4 rooms 25 7 KITCHEN set umbrella tent 60 V- V motor trans tran and radiator Gas Ga engine 1 hp lip 7 2789 BARGAINS Sunbeam elec shaver m man and womans woman's watches SlOn cert Rest nest Mur Slur NW ED USED W WASHER ASHEH FOR SALE SAE Call 3 BEER BEEn soda fountain restaurant equip O. O so 19 E. E let 1st South SUND closes out entire former Corer Shepard cose Book stock entra S. S State St St. 55 GAL OIL DRU DRUMS I new ea 1070 E. E 45 So Slur Mur lur 7 or 7 S SMALL Roper gas gS range rae excel cond 3 5 oil 01 burer burner 2 50 56 tanks ts and pipes 35 53 5 oil on tank tan Used 6 mos Ph Mur Slur M. 1331 M. GIRLS GIRL'S GILS GIL'S bicycle Slightly used 30 W W. South 8 ROYAL nOYA STANDARD TYPEWRITER like liko le new 8 48 Miscellaneous 48 48 for Sal Sail January Januar Clearance OVERSTOCKED Gallon 30 Galon 30 Gas GasWATER GasWATER WATER HEATERS Will Wil Close Out at of MAKE MASTER HEATING YOUR HEATING HEADQUARTER 2561 S State 6 MAYOR MA or may mav not take tal you all al day dD t wash wash but but with wih the sensational TWIN DEXTER washer washday TIN Is i but a matter mater o 0 minutes Available at HANCO FURNITURE LIBERAL TRADE EASY TERM TR t S. S Stain Stalo lia j-lia DISCONTINUING business Com Corn dr drue stor store fixtures tures on M 04 oaK OK wan wail wal cases IB iii IS stool counter steam table 2 6 H show cases cold table ico ice crear cabinet back bar Coca oca Cola Coll die dis refrigerators sa gas stoc stoe tOt 4 burners nU and ad oven o 2 NaIl Nat east cash registers adding machine n accounting oc ac counting lf machine II laTe large file firo sIgn rc cabinet cabie neon outdoor dru dr COOMBS DRUG CO Sno RO SOUTH SOUn STATE ST. ST Phone 3 2161 or 40 0 TONS 7 32 7 3 32 rods rode rodl 10 tons ton Mi i rods 20 tons ton No 3 black wire Vie 2000 Clothesline ft It 3 16 poles Ih chain 1000 ft C. C 3 3 in O. O D. D tubes tubes ft 8 light wt pipe 1000 I ft Ct l 1 IW in O. O D pipe 1000 40 0 and SO EO gal cat tanks New lew and nd used pipe and fittings ft 24 pipe Welding Eng Ene Ens and md Fabricating MONSEY MONSE IRON METAL 75 S. S 3rd West 3 I Investigation Any Investigation WEDGEWOOD will wl prove proc that Is Americas America's finest a gas range rane LIBERAL LIERL TRADE EASY TE TERMS 1 HANCO FUR FURNITURE TRE S. S State 4 1134 VACUUM CLEANERS Your Choice of World Famous Makes 1950 A l VACUUM SHOP 1606 S. S State Slate Ph 6 8 OIL CIRCULATING BEATERS BEATES AND AN FURNACES l BURN i 11 lie ic c FUEL FUE OIL 10 Safe SaCe Low Cost Operation MAKE MASTER MASTE HEATING YOUR YOU HEATING HEADQUARTERS 2 2561 1 S 5 State 6 YOUR REAL CHANCE Gas furnace with blower slightly damaged in i transportation brand new fler ReI 5 Sale SIle price D. D A. A OLSEN OSE CO INC W. W So 7 7 1672 8 7 FOR RENT HOSPITAL beds ed wheel chairs crutches R baby aby scales al ela metal all folding chairs Sick room supplies RO ROBINSONS ROBINSON'S MEDICAL MART 31 S. S Main Slain 4 KEN KENMORE washer best offer ofer Elec vacuum maho console seni mach like lie new gas cas IS or dec clec range fleas Reas 17 new blond 10 TV r e Moving Li 4 79 or 6 6 INTERMOUNTAIN MERCHANTS SUPPLY CAFE CAF STORE STOnE OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED TERMS 56 S E. E South Dial Dal 4 HOOL'S Railroad Damaged CO Permanent antifreeze gal cal Jal contour chairs box springs rings bedroom sets set piano piao television sets Plywood 0 a and id Kitchen sets 9 S. S State 9 Hi MORSE FAIRBANKS ORSE l lV tn centrifugal ugal water pump Ball bearing with cast iron base basc 25 wih ion conversion con oil burner with wih elec dec controls Good oi shape Call 9 or see sec at 6 62 North 3rd West FOR OR sale saJe at nt prices to move move Motors and pumps New and used refrigerator crater equipment Cork and ad fiberglass fiber glass insulation lon Jas LOUIS LOUS A. A ROSER CO 25 54 West Vest 1st South 3 USED bathtubs toilets basins sinks used hot water radiators 1 tired rubber hand truck two convector heaters steam or hot water 65 Kelsey Keisey Ave machine machne elec 6 cu ft i. i 2 piece living rot rm r set 9 piece rca rm n set act large size Estate large largo Roll fast tricycle 4 4 So West A REAL REL STEAL New NeV portable oil 01 furnace worth Call 5 Will Wi sacrifice for or TRADE IN THAT OLD OW FURNACE ON A NEW GAS FURNACE NOW RICKS FURNACE AND APPLIANCE C 2519 21 S. S State 6 CLOTHES POLES pr free Cree del 5 3 ex cx 9 W. W South South- South 3 auto washer 60 typewriter good cond cheap Enfield Enfield En- En E. E field feld 30 rifle per cond best offer oler Call Cal 8 PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER Value Will sacrifice for lor Call Cal 5 GOOD used lawn mower elec heater cheap Also boys boy's wagon and scooter 6 2532 25 Wilmington Wig Wig- ton tn Ave HALF PRICE Brand new ne play pen and baby bu buggy bugey Call Cal aft al 6 RAC new ft f. f beige rug rg babY bUl buggy Y good cond condo N. N West Wesl oo SILVER Nail PIaU sewing center wilt will wl sew adjust and oil oU machine machno for Cor 87 SKIS 6 ft H. cable binding poles Almost new ne 12 Book of ot KnowN Knowl edge red set 20 vols vois 50 8 8 USED vacuum coffee table oil 01 heater childs child's cupboard 14 W. W Robert nobert Ave So So ROBERTS GORDON gas as conversion burner burer complete like new 75 Call Cal 8 2 WHEEL enclosed luggage trailer Excel |