Show Dr Brady Says Most T Needless Perilous to Hapless Victims By William Villiam Brady MD M.D. i I In an article published in the i t I Archives of that's a medical magazine deal dealing ng with throat diseases Drs Hansel and 1 s I Chang estimated t r I that operations op op- b orations for 1 removal removal re re- moval of tonsils out of hold onto your your hat folks r tonsil tonsil- in the United S States tat e s sin in a year are un- un Dr Brady 1 necessary and indeed may make the condition of the victim worse than it was before the operation that that is if the victim survives Still Stin Reoccurs It is the routine practice of many physicians to ascribe frequent frequent frequent fre fre- quent cri kree see that is common respiratory infections or colds to ignorant folk sinus trouble sore throat bronchitis to a presumptive presumptive presumptive pre pre- septic septie focus in the tonsils tonsils tonsils ton ton- sils and to urge removal of the tonsils as the best way to prevent recurrence of such troubles In most instances if the victim victim victim vic vic- tim is subjected to tonsillectomy on such a questionable diagnosis these attacks occur as frequently after alter the operation as they did before From the book hook Childrens Children's Tonsils Tonsils Tonsils Ton Ton- sils in and Out by Dr Albert D D. Kaiser Rochester N N. Y published published published pub pub- by Lippincott and available available available avail avail- able in public library if you would like to get the facts from the top authority I quote this conclusion Statistical studies on groups of children with control groups of like ages that is some 2200 Rochester school children with enlarged tonsils whose tonsils were not removed and 2200 whose tonsils were removed reI reveal reveal re I veal only a slight benefit for the children whose tonsils and adenoids adenoids ade ade- have been removed More Susceptible If however healthy tonsils and adenoids are removed the child may become even more I susceptible to colds University students whose tonsils tonsils tonsils ton ton- sils have been removed in childhood childhood childhood child child- hood are arc more subject to the cri than students whose tonsils have not been removed according to the observation of Dr D. D F F. Smiley Smiley Smiley Smi Smi- ley at Cornell But shucks who cares about these statistics Certainly not the misguided parents of school schoolchildren schoolchildren schoolchildren children and certainly not the he ever ready operators who are dead set on removing enlarged tonsils whenever they can per per- suade parents to assent to the atrocity I IMay May 1 Alert Parents I use the word atrocity with premeditation It tends to alert lert parents to the gravity of the tonsil tonsil tonsil ton ton- sil question The ever ready operators get away with murder oh oh oh that one is accidental accidental- too easily by persuading parents that tonsillectomy is a simple littIe little lit lit- tIe tic operation although as they well know it is a major operation operation opera opera- tion x and a dangerous one too often indeed a fatal operation Webster says an atrocity is something very bad Such I should say as an attempt to remove remove remove re re- re- re move every bit of tonsil tissue from a childs child's throat Brutal is another word for it Not that the doctor who attempts attempts attempts at at- tempts it or advises or approves the attempt has any evil or vicious vicious vic vic- ious intent but I do maintain that vic vic-I the principle of tonsillectomy is is wrong except In rare instances of malignancy and hence the operation operation operation op op- is unjustifiable And an unnecessary o or unjustifiable operation operation operation op op- op- op is brutal brutal dont don't dont take my word for it take Websters Webster's 2 in want of reason Now if any reputable physician cares to dispute anything I have said here or elsewhere about tonsillectomy tonsillectomy tonsillectomy ton- ton I promise to print here his or her statement with his or her approval and to keep his or her identity secret unless he or she gives me written consent consent consent con con- sent to reveal it QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Mumps With Complications If a young man has the mumps and they go down on him will he become sterile W. W E E. E D. D Answer Rarely Answer Rarely if ever Damage Damage Damage Dam Dam- age or loss of on testis or one ovary has no effect on sexual vigor or fertility |