Show Up Through Ranks Chief Crowther To Post h in 15 Y Yr B I e r P Police olice Chief L. L C C. Crowther I Iwho i who stepped down Monday in the I face of criticism of his force rose I from the ranks to head the department department department de de- de- de for more than six years He joined the department in 1930 was made a detective in 1932 a sergeant in 1937 and in 1944 received the lieutenants lieutenant's rating he still holds For one brief week in 1950 he held a captains captain's rank but was demoted because of a technicality technicality technicality in the civil service regula regula- He was appointed chief on Nov 3 1945 when the late Chief Reed ReedE E E. E resigned to enter private private vate ate business Even after becoming head of the force Chief Crowther Crowther- often went night cruising in his chiefs chief's car to keep his hand in at the themore themore themore more tumble rought-and-tumble aspects I of police work Catching police calls on his radio he often arI arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar I rived at the scene along with the patrol cars and himself caught at least two burglars He spent 18 months overseas in inI I i World War Var I and was discharged from the Arm Army in 1919 Starting as a laborer with the Process Proc Proc- Process ess Co at Salduro he worked his way up to assistant plant superintendent superintendent superintendent super super- and then became construction construction con con- foreman in Salt Lake City and Dallas Tex from 1925 until joining the police force |