Show People Say By Telegram Readers Gas Chamber for Unwanted Canines Editor Telegram What That Salt Lake City needs is a great biggas big biggas biggas gas chamber for unwanted dogs Its It's too bad we all have dog troubles Wonder Tonder if other people have so many sleepless nights just on account of a dog I dont don't mean trained dogs which are arc inside at night and dont don't bite and jump on everyone everyone everyone every every- one during the day This is supposed to be he a free country but somehow I sure dont don't feel free when I go for fora a walk I love walking for miles if I have the time Mostly there are mean big barking dogs wherever one goes I do admire nature but my admiring by taking long walks is always spoiled by dogs who scare me I wonder what other people do if they walk and about six dogs confront them Once a man walking from one town to another was teas killed by about five dogs which attacked attacked attacked at at- tacked him him- It can happen to someone here also if walking in the country alone I dont don't trust any dog Mrs i E. E G. G M. M Urges Drivers to Look LookOut LookOut lookOut Out for Children Editor Telegram Since moving moving moving ing to Salt Lake City I have avidly followed the traffic problems and suggested remedies remedies remedies reme reme- dies as written up in your newspaper Perhaps a little littlemore littlemore littlemore more courtesy among our drivers drivers drivers ers would do a great deal to help the situation Just this morning I was taking taking taking tak tak- ing my 6 year old across the street to catch the bus to school and was almost run down by some eager beaver if that is what you can call them themI I I could think of other names but that would not help who could not wait for the traffic light to change from green to amber much less watch the pedestrian lane I do not begrudge him the extra five minutes sleep he got but is it worth a childs child's life Perhaps I am in error in innot innot innot not expecting a child of 6 6 years to be able to cross the street by herself with the green light but rather than trust some adult driver I leave my year old 4 son in the house with the baby as I know I can trust him a lot further Please let us watch for our children when we get in a hurry to get to work Mrs 1 James Pullman |