Show Multitude of Voices l' l Famed Tabernacle Choir Will Sing at Sunday Meets The famed Salt Lake tabernacle choir Church Chinch of oC Jesus Chi Christ 1st of Latter-day Latter Saints conducted by J J J. Spencer Cornwall will sing sing- during during during dur dur- ing ing- Sundays Sunday's general sessions at 10 a am a.m. m. m and md 2 pm p.m. in the taber taher- nacle The mens men's chorus of the choir will sing sing- singal at al the general g priesthood meeting Saturday at 7 pm p.m. Choir m u 11 s sic 1 i c for Saturdays Saturday's I morning morning- and afternoon sessions will be he provided by the voice chorus from rom Deseret stake di directed directed dl- dl I by Ladd M M. 1 Cropper A voice oice Relief Society Singing Singing Sing Sing- ing inS Mothers Mothers' chorus from Cache county and Salt Lake is to furnish furnish furnish fur fur- i nish music for the conferences conference's I opening sessions Friday They will be conducted by Mrs Florence FlorenceJ J Madsen music instructor Brigham Brigham Brigham Brig Brig- ham Young university and mem memo ber her of th the L D S Relief ef society general hoard board Music at a Friday meeting of the L D S presiding presiding- bishopric at 7 p pm p.m. m. m in the tabernacle will be he by bya a voice priesthood I chorus of oC Lake View stake Ogden with wilh David Danielson conducting I During general conference sessions ses ses- Dr Frank W. W Asper and Alexander Schreiner tabernacle I organists and Roy M. M Darley assistant assistant as as- asI I organist will alternate at atthe atthe the console of the huge organ org II |