Show I i edits Say Smoke Pall ray ay Pose Heath Health Threat By United Press fi at t smoke screen drifting i c eastern state from burn- burn forests could become becomes s health threat to per per- asthmatic heart troubles medical ties ties said Thursday J likened the slowly settling J 3 the 1 I layer a aye y c r I of industrial teat hung thung over Donora Pa fall ll of 19 18 The deaths of 16 0 persons were attributed at death dealing cloud and experts said too much of e nt smoke might produce rte tte 6 fatal results woke from Canadas Canada's worst fires fUes in 20 years has circled over otter the eastern United I 1 for five fhe consecutive days z nearer the ground each The h heavy y fumes from i fires 7 fires In m Alberta and Brit- Brit stretched from New Newt cw t to o Florida nonda and back to tot eat at t Lakes High altitude have vc push pushed d patches of it across miles of Atlantic ocean to England and Scotland where the smoke turned the sun and moon an eerie blue One meteorologist said there was vas one chance in 10 that the heavy pall would drift out to sea only to be replaced with fresh smoke clouds funneled down from Canada next week However firefighters firefighters fire firefighters fighters in British Columbia said many of oC the forest blazes are now under control and skies are clear of oC smoke over Fort Nelson B. B C. C center of a square mile forest fire fare area In the heavily populated eastern states areas smoke from home and factory chimneys and backyard bonfires has become trapped beneath beneath beneath be be- neath the forest fire smoke lowering lowering lowering lower lower- ing visibility in m many sections In Philadelphia New York and other large cities the sun shown only as a pink or purple blob both its light light and warmth cut by the smoke screen The situation has prevailed since Sunday |