Show lu IU s S. S Sources Blueprint Point Point 16 Korean Peace NEW V YORK Sept 28 MP UP American sources Thursday outlined outlined outlined out out- 1 lined a n. six-point six peace formula for Cor Korea calling for foJ a unified country to be put back on its feet by the combined resources of or the United Nations The elements clements the United States Slates considers essential for Koreas Korea's fu future future fu- fu ture follow Collow closely proposals advanced advanced advanced ad ad- by Britain and Cana Canada a. a The British are rushing work on a n. postwar plan f for r the nation American informants said the United States has no desire for bases or special privileges in Korea and wants the country to tobe tobe tobe be free from the domination of oC any other nation Admission lon to U U. X N. It al also o desires Koreas Korea's admission admission admission sion to the U. U N. N and the organization organization organization of oC the country in such a n away away way that it will pose no threats to its neighbors China China China and the Soviet Union Basic in the whole American Idea is the thc establishment of a strong U. U N. N commission with wide authority to handle on the scene the multiplicity of postwar problems problems problems lems in the country The U. U S S. S favors strong Asian representation tion on that commission The informants said the actual peace terms with the North Koreans Koreans Koreans Ko Ko- Ko- Ko reans are arc regarded as a military decision This leaves it up to Gen Douglas MacArthurs MacArthur's command command command com com- mand to determine how and where it will accept the capitulation of the Communists The informants gave this thi detailed detailed detailed de de- de- de tailed outline of oC the American position 1 1 Korea must be a free independent independent independent inde inde- pendent and united country This obviously ob means wiping wiping- out the theold theold old division of the country along the parallel Strong Commission 2 Methods for Koreas Korea's unification unification unification tion can be best devised by having havinga a strong United Nations commission commission commission commis commis- sion in the area In the present circumstances it would be unwise to develop detailed blueprints here The commission should have authority authority authority au au- au- au to deal with the problems on the scene in consultation with MacArthurs MacArthur's s command and the people of Korea 3 The Korean people to be consulted con con- suited should be chosen in free elections by secret ballot on the basis of universal suffrage It would be up to the commission to determine what elections were needed There would have to be bea a general election in North Korea but since the South Korean eJections elections elections elec elec- of last May are arc recognized as valid elections by might be the only thing needed there to fill war-caused war gaps in the assembly's ran ranks s. s I Iran |