Show COLLECTORS PARADISE Ancient Treasures of India Prized by A. A J. J Crawfords t l of 1 rl o. o it 4 1 I t t. a x i JAI JT- JT 4 h l 0 1 f 0 f J w fr r J i j J. J j kirs J j I t. t I i s 1 l J t t 47 1 1 1 Q r. r V f t- t r i i l. l f. f t. i t r fo t. t 1 1 I. I ht j 4 t i r r 1 v y rf r- r a. a f Y i J 4 j a J. J rY 3 fl I t- t 1 f t y c t u V tf r t i. i i. ro i i I 1 a v l 9 w is js y 1 4 hiu y ii r d y w r f i ash 4 y tic ticy I y f DI DINING ROOM G-ROOM ROOM ELEGANCE ELEGANCE I The d dining room of the Crawford home holds elegantly ele dc- I gantly carved pieces of gleaming teakwood Hand- Hand carved and polished to a 3 soft glow they're masterpieces in detail deta l and elaborate design I Y w 1 6 t r v 1 tw kr i J l 41 INSECT PLACE CARD HOLDERS I Place card holders believe it or not are made in n. n the form of miniature insects common to the Indian world Made of silver sll th they are arc perfect f In every detail and mean hours of intricate work I By CARRIE SHERROD MIDGLEY The home of Mr tr and Mrs A. A J. J Crawford at nt S S. S East Bast Eastis Bastis is filled with an enviable en assemblage assem assem- hinge blage of or furnishings s and art ob objects objects objects ob- ob carefully selected by the Crawfords in their travels around the world Mrs Crawford's Crawfords Crawfords Crawford's Crawfords Crawford's Craw Craw- fords ford's love for the thc arts art of India is displayed by the many and andrare andrare andrare rare pieces of furniture and other art objects to lo be found in her home The fine old furniture collected collected collected col col- col- col over a period of 13 years represent the crafts and arts to tobe tobe tobe be found in the different sections of India One of oC Mrs Crawfords Crawford's in interesting Interesting interesting in- in collections was that of place card holders Each is a miniature insect common to India perfect in every detail t I it 3 1 4 4 a aI Y 1 4 f I Y M 7 v A r h. h y 4 ur lUt c 1 i. i ELABORATE COSTUMES Most elegant ant Is the brocaded jacket brought b by Mrs Crawford from India White chiffon scarf is embroidered with silver These were made of silver U by bythe bythe bythe the silversmiths and represent many hours of tedious Intricate work At Atmosphere Felt Upon entering entering- the dining room In Mrs Irs Crawfords Crawford's home the atmosphere of another country greets ts you The Thc dining table is round and large enough to seat scat eight persons It is hand carved from teal teakwood wood and polished to toa toa toa a soft glow by many years of use From scattered bits of Information Information in information In- In formation obtained by Mrs 1 Crawford she he thinks the table Is about years old It was purchased near Madras The entire entire entire en en- tire table Is Ig I elaborately carved The Thc pedestal supporting supporting- the table Is carved to represent three coiled cobras around the top of the thc table is a n lacy overhanging carving of flowers and leaves The top has a inch five-inch border around the tho outer edge carved to represent miniature animals paddy birds leaves and flowers These carvings represent a cycle or seasonal change The chairs choirs made hand-made with an adz are arc of the same type of wood However the buffet Is a different period and design ItIs It Itis Itis is composed from three sections a large larg-e flat piece that sets on top of two cupboards The serving serving serving ing table is enhanced by the same elegant carving carvIng- as is the secretary containing containIng- miniatures in jade ivory teakwood silver brass and porcelain The cabinet in the living room Is carved caned carted with leaves and flowers flowers flowers flow flow- ers which the craftsman has in incorporated incorporated incorporated in- in into a peacock and medallion design The ebony elephant elephant ele ele- ele- ele pliant book ends are from Cey Cey- lon The brass elephant bell sets In a hammered brass holder and the samovar nr is hand wrought ht of copper with brass inlays Its former home was the thc Russian Caucasus Copied From Ancients The coffee table is inches and stands 15 inches high it is made of rosewood and has hand engraved copper cor cor- ners The carving on this piece was done by a master craftsman who copied the ancient carving on this modern piece for Mrs rs Crawford The drapery in the living room is cotton woven hand material material material ma ma- dyed to a red brick which Is a favorite color in In India India In- In dia according to Mrs Craw Craw- ford Almost an allover er design the material was embroidered by hand In hu varicolored silk thread Small oval mirrors are arc inserted in a buttonhole stitch they pick pickup pickup up the design There arc are several se dozen of these small mirrors in ina ina ina a yard of the material The mas massive ive bed in the Crawford Crawford Crawford Craw Craw- ford bedroom was also imported from India It was bought from froman an Englishman The age and history of this piece is indefinite but it is surely traced back for several hundred years Mrs Crawford apologized for the thc missing canopy which usually adorned this antique piece The bed is 6 ft wide and 8 ft long is hand-carved hand from teakwood teakwood teak teak- wood and is of massive four- four poster design When purchased the bed had no springs but used in their place was a 3 webbing made from rope tied in knots which supported the big fat combed cotton mattress It is is now modernized with box springs and mattress It was perhaps from the history of these oversized beds that our modern furniture designers ners arc creating the modern version of the S bed for these modern in our midst ft 6 and up and up giants In India like the United States different sections of the country is known for some particular particular particular par par- industry When admiring the beautiful carpets in Mrs Crawfords Crawford's home I was informed that they were very old being original inal and In spite of the poverty among the craftsmen of the Kashmir district some of the most highly skilled weavers of the world are located there The blending of colors the embroidery work on shawls and sharis and the bold woolen embroidery on cushions and table covers and the superb superb superb su su- su- su handiwork done on the beautiful table linens in Mrs Crawfords Crawford's home surely took many long months or perhaps years and endless patience to complete 1 r j 1 Z n 7 s x try h r L j r rb b rl eP Tribune pork Porle CARVING SUPERB 1 Carved with leaves and flowers is the thc cabinet The design been woven together using a unique medallion and peacock rr |