Show s. s L. L Students Form Forme Teen Age Town Hall HaH By J Melba M M. Ferguson One of the best ways of solving problems is talking them out So say more than a dozen teenagers teenagers teenagers teen teen- agers who met Tuesday at 5 pm p.m. in The Salt lake Tribune-Salt Tribune Lake Telegram auditorium to form Teen Town Hall HaU a group dedicated dedicated dedi dedi- to discussion of problems vital to youth The free expression expression expression sion of ideas and opinions will vill they hope help solve olve some of those problems and bring about a better understanding between teen teen-agers agers and adults of ot the com com- Questions that come up out of young hearts and minds on such subjects as how to lick the juvenile juvenile juvenile juve juve- nile delinquency problem what to todo todo todo do to help the teen teen-ager to overcome overcome overcome over over- come inferiority feelings how to help those who feel left out in the social life and comradeship of school life how to win better par par- child ent-child relationships and teach teach- er-child er relationships w wi will i I 11 l be pushed around in lively discussion sessions once a week What goes on at the meetings I will be bo published in the Salt Lake I Telegram with the hope that it will interpret the sometimes bewildering bewildering be be- teen ager to the average j be-j See Page rage 6 Column 2 f 0 vr Fr Jr rr Ii r I N IcI W y i t tern ern LM S Sr St r t if 1 1 rr Y Yr r r. r r r f f I iv o of f fI fI fI arf re r rF rt r k r f A c iJ g f e r I 1 e M ire r r Kr f err r 9 I I t rr if r r I e J Tribune Telegram Photo Photo Leo Le I I Way Back When Dad Was a Boy What were teen tern agers a ers like when g dad wa-h. wa waS waS-a ho goy hoy Officers of Teen Town Hall newly formed discus discus- slon sion group roup look through old new newspaper files files' for I stories of teen ape happenings of the olden da days s Talk It Over Overs s. s L. L Baft Juveniles Establish Teen ITeen Town To Hal HaO 1 Forum Continued from Page One adult reader and help to bring about increased sympathy and understanding understanding understanding un un- through knowledge While airing their views on what they would like from parents the school the community and from their fellow students the group eagerly explained that they do donot donot donot not want to criticize but only wart to look into the problems with suggestions and ideas for improving improving im im- im- im proving pro things Officers elected during the initial initial ini ini- Ual meeting were Milford Varner 17 son of Mr and Mrs John M. M Varner Noble pi pl and president president president dent East high school student body as chairman Bill Burleigh 18 son of Mr and Mrs W. W J. J Burleigh 2319 Wilmington circle and West Vest high school president vice chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man and Pat Bushman 17 daughter daugh daugh- ter of Mr and Mr Mrs S. S A A. A Bushman 1621 Major st. st secretary Present Were cre ere Present at the initial meeting were Bill Pat and Milford and Douglas Denton son of Mr and Mrs Russel V. W. Denton 1375 S S. S Vest West Sout South high president Monte Christensen 17 son of Mr I and Mrs M. M L L. L Christensen 2301 S. S East Clark Hughes 17 son of Mr and Mrs J. J B B. B Hu Hughes hes ave Alan Keil 17 son of Mr and Mrs W. W L L. L Ken Keil Mead ave Stan Spur Spurrier r 17 son of Mr and Mrs H H. H K It Spurrier Military dr Reuel Ware Vare 17 17 son of Mr C. C M M. M Ware Vare ave Val Lilenquist 16 son of Mr and Mrs Ray V. V Lilenquist 1817 S. S Main Joan Wood 16 16 daughter of Mr and Mrs C. C D D. D Wood Kensington ave Ralph Merrill 17 17 son of Mr and Mrs R R. R T. T Merrill Mer Mer- rill 1832 Kensington ave are Howard Jorgensen 17 son of Mr and Mrs L L. L A. A Jorgensen 1628 S S. S 2nd East George Sou vall 17 son of Mr and Mrs Nick G. G all Sou 1575 S. S East Joanne Bushman 17 daughter daugh daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs B B. B L. L Bushman 1762 Yale ave Callie Walker 16 daughter of Mr and Mrs D. D Walk Walk- er 30 U st st. and Jeanne Hanson 17 daughter of Mr and Mrs H H. H D. D Hanson 2155 S S. S East I |