Show ROund MerrY MacArthur Views View Set Off GOP h Formosa Furor t i iBy By Drew oon i i WASHINGTON Only a handful of P P. P a publicans know all the details but Gene Genera Genea MacArthur had much more to do vii stirring up aP the current furor over Formo than even en the staLe state department realizes J j The general may mayor or may y not have meal to throw a political bombshell meant but h ho he e h he certainly caused more political headache and come nearer to splitting the foreign n policy than anything in ten ken year years though of course Britain's recognition of China also helped mss iI Q What MacArthur did was to have s sten private tall tolls talks s with v ith visiting G GO GOP 0 P men especially Senators Knowland of ot C ca fornia Ferguson of Michigan and Smith New Jersey MacArthurs MacArthur's lectures J W We delivered in a confidential manner rif U severe SC instructions that he was not to i 1 b quoted His language was also stiffer stirrer U t the congressmen than in his 9 reports report to th 1111 army 7 41 f Usually he started by sa saying ng i iI like this I I have not been consulted by Washing J ton on strategy in the far east cast and DM p on Formosa If Formosa walls wails tk tb cold war is lost Russia will control in two years and our position in Ja JaM will be untenable Russia now has 40 p troops in fortified islands to our north Views on OH Those Chiang Those who raised rai-ed J delicate question about Chiang Hai Kai shek she integrity received a haughty The gene genera is one of the great men to come o oa of the war He was shamefully sold do dow dold the river at Yalta and Potsdam He h ha haI been smeared by the and th radicals Yes there has been l in the Chiang regime but it is a of his environment and tradition and fault of Chiang himself t. t t MacArthur seemed to take pleasure I overriding the state department in send two of the senators senators Ferguson Ferguson and Smi Smith to Formosa After the state vetoed airplane flights to Formosa for tl two MacArthur sent them by a spec sped plane with a guide from his own staff s f. f Note 1 Secretary of Defense Loid to Johnson who also made a big try for U U. U intervention in Formosa is peeved at G Geral i eral MacArthurs MacArthur's extracurricular shown ship due to the fact that Assistant Seen Sect tary Lary of Army Tracy Voorhees was vas era sent to Tokyo in December to a asuit suit MacArthur and bring back his vi vie However MacArthur gave Voorhees Voorhees' such alarming views as he gave the wi wi eyed congressmen x j Note 2 Though not as eloquent as 1 b Arthur Admiral Arthur W. W Radford i argued to congressmen who stopped of off Honolulu that Pacific fleet units she sho cover Formosa t G Ceding ling the Dome Dome Dome-An An artisans' artisans i j over o the painting painting- of the interior of off capitol dome has become so bitter bitter I boss G-boss J J. J Edgar Hoover who usually in criminal rather than artistic j suits has been dragged into the act Hoovers Hoover's F FBI B I is now probing char cha that the Contracting company Washington which did the paint job ra conditions rivaling a circus thriller v its contract by using a sprayer stead of hand brushes 4 r. r The charges were made by two oth ot oth contractors who lost out in the bi biddi and who contend that the spraying dieta effect diet a big saving sa to the company warranted by the contract si su su ported by capitol architect David Lynn T denies demes this He Hc explains that with Lynns Lynn's he used a sprayer only on the coffered o J 1 face of the lofty dome where it was n essay essary y to get into crevices ices and corn toxic corm which wouldn't take a hand brush bid an amazingly low 26 for the job more than under I next low bidder and under the hl hi hiest est of eight bidders bidders so so the I didn't lose t Copyright 1950 Bell Syndicate r 1 |