Show I Rise Tonight Stevens Stevens Tonight Opera Star To Sing Hn Salt Lake lale Sometimes its it's more fun to be bea a secretary than an opera star Rise Stevens M Metropolitan e t r 0 pol ita n Opera Co mezzo soprano who arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived tired in Salt Lake City Wednesday morning to appear in a concert on the University of Utah extension divisions division's Master Minds and Artists Artists Artists Art Art- series Wednesday at p put pm m. m spent the day relaxing in her room Her secretary Miss Melanie Homero Romero Ro Ro- mero got to see the sights During During Dur Dur- ing lug the ning morning she was taken on onan onan onan an escorted tour of Salt Lake tabernacle tabernacle tab tab- where she marveled at atthe atthe atthe the miracle of construction and commented that most concert halls she visits are arc not of such historic si significance The Stevens concert will be in the tabernacle Miss Stevens ens is the mother of ofa ofa ofa a cowboy music fan said aid Miss Romero He is blond eyed blue-eyed Nicky 5 who is so completely com corn unconscious of his mothers mother's fame that when he hears people ask Is that Rise Stevens he promptly informs them not Rise Stevens Stevens that's that's my mommy mom morn my Miss Stevens' Stevens husband is Walter who is also her general manager Concert lovers were promised a treat for both the eyes and the cars at the tabernacle concert Wednesday at pm p.m. for the haired auburn-haired Miss Stevens will wm appear in a Sophie original bouffant bouffant fant Cant gown own of electric blue brocaded brocad brocad- ed faille fame I |