Show V SUggest Support Choke Choice Special to the T Telegram lc V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Jan 18 Plans 18 Plans are arc under way which will give the wool growing industry some of that stability needed to increase she sheep p production in the l States Howard Vaughn Dixon Cal president of the National Wool Growers declared Wednesday Mr Vaughn was spokesman for wool producer groups at a meeting meeting meeting meet meet- ing with government ent officials Monday to submit recommendations on the 1950 wool pi prIce Ice support support support sup sup- port program Under the recommended optional op op- op- op lIonal purchase plan discussed at atthe atthe atthe the meeting he said a a. wool grower would be given VO t two alter alter- natives He would be advised of i ithe the support pi price ice of his own wool and then have the privilege of accepting or rejecting that price for a period of or time sufficient for him to test the open market |