Show flocks flocks' Climb limb Carried On NEW YORK YORI July 3 UP For A For Fo Forthe the seventh successive se session ion stocks push pushed upward in n Thursdays Thursday's Thursdays Thurs Thurs- day days day's market as short coveting co and further investment purchasing more than offset co considerable profit pro prof it H cashing cahng on the lengthy advance Irregularity and relatively slow dealings ruled during the forenoon Selling never was vu urgent however however however how how- ever and by bythe the fourth hour prices began to harden in lit virtually al all dep departments with volume expand expand- Ing Cains Gains of fractions to three I or more points predominated at atthe atthe t the close cloae with assorted oils ails il rails and industrials at new highs for forthe forthe forthe the year While boardrooms were wera sparsely sparse sparse- ly y populated due mainly m to an exodus exodus ex ex- odus of clients for lor the lengthy hollday holiday bidding by prof professionals and town out-of-town clients dents bolstered the days day's turnover Zenith l Radio Kadio jumped better than five points on word the concern was working on a new type of ot television At 1947 19 tops top were Union Pacific Nickel Plate preferred pre pro Phillips Phillipi Petroleum Gulf Gult Gulton Oil on Superior Oil OU Texas Pacific Land Trust Joy Manufacturing and Pepsi In the rising division were U. U S. S Steel Youngstown Sheet Sheets General Motors Chrysler Montgomery Ward Sears Roebuck U. U S. S Rubber Rubber Rubber Rub Rub- ber American Telephone International International Inter Inter- national Harvester American Smelting Air Reduction tion Dow Chemical Philip Morris Morris Mor Mor- ris Southern Pacific Baltimore Ohio Nickel Plate common Southern Southern South South- ern em Railway Consolidated Natural Gas Gu Industries Wesson Oil Oil Distillers Corp Twentieth Century Fox Paramount Pictures and Electric Power and nd Light While the partial coal wage settlement settlement settlement set set- was thought to have been pretty well veIl d discounted it still stUl was vi viewed w d as IUS a cheering market fac fac- tor Revival of tax relief hopes economic optimism and confidence in a summer rally received the principal credit for tor the Failure Fail FaU- ure ura of the Paris Pms foreign ministers ministers' conference was a restraining in in- in fluence |