Show Britain France Call Nations To Meet on Aid PARIS July 3 UP A P A French- French British Thursday Invited in invited invited in- in all aU European Europe n states with the provisional exception of Spain to participate in drawing thawing up a European European Euro- Euro can reconstruction program in which resources and needs of each country would be coordinated in ina a manner that each of or the European European Euro- Euro can countries will so decide freely reely The made no menion mention mention men- men tion ion of Russia nor of or the failure Wednesday of ot the British Russian French Trench conference to agree on the Marshall Europe aid-Europe proposal The countries invited will in include include in- in clude elude Austria Turkey Albania Ireland and all aU former enemy states except Germany it was an an- A foreign office spokesman spokes spokes- man said the invitations would be besent besent besent sent to Paris embassies Thursday night Announce Decision The French foreign ministry announced announced announced an an- earlier a French British-French decision to invite all European states with the provisional exception exception ex ex- of Spain to take part in drafting a reply to the proposal advanced by U. U S. S Secretary of State Marshall for European economIc economic eco ceo recovery A foreign office spokesman said saida a letter had been sent to Russian Ambassador Alexandre Alexandra Bogomo- Bogomo Jov Jo expressing the hope that the Soviet Union which h has de denounced denounced denounced de- de the Marshall plan would reconsider her refusal to join in economic cooperation However See Page PaJe 2 Column 4 I Madge Mudge Meredith She claims her manager ex-manager h g was at f fault EUROPE AID Continued Ir from m Page One Coo Coohe Onelie he lie said no invitation would be besent sent to Russia for tor th the July 12 meeting h The lila R said td that while O Germany Y W wait wita not It invited d the commander in chief l of ot her hu four tour occupation nUon aone- aone including the nU 1 t 8 of ot e UrA will be bt consulted cone con tn luU d f regarding g th the availability and Jt needs of t their zones onee ft Will Vm Inform U VI S 9 S. S The spokesman t 8 Bald eaid id the United gt States l will be informed d of t this tM I July 12 In meeting and will wm be 8 ent fil a t copy Y of ot the l letter ll t of ot In tn t tm He Ito added dd d that th the United d N Nations tl economic for Europe how meeting in ht tl Geneva will b be Into Informed but since 1 an M important member Utu Russia l of t thaC the tha C commission ft is it known knowlt t to oppose p I th the project W we see no hl need 1 for tbt plunging th the commission l l lInto Into a it needless debate t on 01 th the subject ll The h t called I U d on ott the Ut European tt countries to tb draw w u up a European Ur p ree reconstruction U n program r in lii which h. h the r resources Ul 8 and needs neede of ot each eh country will be coordinated t- t ed eti in a t manner th that t each of t U the MUto European Jt countries I will 1111 so eo o d de a eide elde fU freely l u U Use of t the term provisional l' l in tat excluding Spain appeared ted to tb In in that U the final t decision lt on tl Wh whether th t ap Spain t would permanent ly be bt outside any Y o economic agree rr mont ment t wt would uld rout rest with an 11 international U nt i temporary ht l' l tY Batten u t which the c said nid the British h and French r nth pros pro t tt posed BEd to establish The Th British h and French 1 f foreign r ministers conferred at length Thursday mowing morning en emphasising the br break tt with Russia RUsi oV over r the UtI Marshall U suggestion Soviet l F Foreign lorein Minister l' l V V. M MolotoV who declared I t d Wednesday Y YUil Uil that l the program l' l d drafted Hed b by hi his British h and th Ff French h h colleagues OU I would divide Uro e Winged ed his hl v Why Way Y hitch back toward M MOi j W. W L in Itt Bern nin members mb iTh hl 5 of t the Swiss g government t said enid t they tY W Were r studying study ing log lh the situation in ih vieW v of ot th the tho Soviet position and probably would make their rM reaction U n known YI informed sources s spec C. C Ul tid that VI g Switzerland tl erlat would adopt t a Cautious middle h of ut the toad policy nH Y b because U e of t a Ii growing tr trade tte with Poland loland l nd Czechoslovakia and the Balkans nU fluss J A Avoid Visit VisitA A French tor foreign office oftie s spokes spokes' tn man h. h meanwhile said MolotoV did not hot visit nidaU t before his hiB d departure de de' departure o. o but that th t Jacques J qUe DUmaine DU- DU tn maine chief of t made a courtesy Call to the Russian foreign for tot eign minister r on beh behalf ll of the Fret French h government A Russian source said th that t probably most of th the big Soviet delegation woe was ab aboard the Ute five Soviet planes which took off Inthe in inthe inthe the darkness Thursday Tl morning The informants said Molotov was in a hurry to get back to Mos Mos- cow The Paris Parie newspaper Paris Presse a the road the road publication publication publication cation viewed the breakup in the conference as a sinister development development develop develop- ment meat arid and declared that July 2 2 1917 Would go down as the most Important date of ot contemporary or ry history The bridges are cut and so i is the W world b by the same art blow the pa paper er said Front From now on n the economic and political al str struggle between the two blocs is under Way The Paris C Communist paper C Ce commented The Th conference of bt the big three degenerates into a if Bevin Bidault dialogue Will Vill our o diplomacy steer toward a hew Munich 1 |