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Show A MIXKlt'S EXVEKIE.NCE. (Jetties' Cut ol Halio's boon Covered Mountains, J. B. Templlo, a woll known Idaho mlulng man, Interested also tn California, Cali-fornia, and In Mexico In mines, who makes hla home at Hslmon Clly, but who, when wlntor sets lu, has gold mining li Chamberlain's basin, has arrived at Ban I'raucbjeo after having had n very narrow call for Ills life, aa) s the t'Arcmlck, Ho nud anassoclate named Harney Tolman were snowbound snow-bound In the ealn nnd, on April 11th, their condition waa fraught with Imminent Im-minent danger by the fall of thirty Inchea moru of auow. This amounticll in eighteen hours. They had food remaining, but all they had lor four horses, which they had brought III over thu Hitler Knot range with them, was ton pounds of grain. Knowing, as Mr. Temjlln told last ulgbt at the Palace, Ihat the hones could not possibly bo got and that they weuldstarulf left, Ihey shot all of them nnd then started ou a 1(50 mile walkover the Hitter Hoot mountalua to J:i' City. To cross tin so mountains Ihey hul to goto an altlluduof 0300 feet. Luoklly they struck an eld cabin on the uven,lug of the tlret day, where they found four) airs of enow-shoes, enow-shoes, aud, selecting what they u lihed, the next morning eamu on rapidly for sixty miles to thu Halmnu river. 1 rout there they footed It to aplaceknowu as Gardner's ranch, wheru they got horses nud rodo loll miles le Lowiston. Mr. leuilliisaya it was a wild trip and thu weather bad. The region from which hostirted, lu Chamber-Iain's Chamber-Iain's uisln, Is the place of the gruet Under discovered last summer. Ho says the glaclorB aru numerous and of gnat alia. Tho mountains about are covered with pine, sprutu aud llr Umber. Um-ber. Ho la) e these mountains ulso ale full of wild game. llu nud hla purlner, lie said, saw some moose and many elk. Tho moose are protected bo an Idaho law, but the elk aru plentiful enough everywhere In that region aud need uoprottotlon. He saw niauy of their yards also, the place) where they huddle ut night or during u storm, as cattlo do In a cor ral. Numerous wild goals weru secu while en route, too, aa well aa tomo smaller perac. lliurs, which he aays are l leutlful, worn all hibernating. Mr. TVmIlii uoiuus to California often, and frequently I uya goods hero for ulltcrout mining oomiiautcti whleh hu uinaeiits. Hu suja thu Halmon rlvirgold fields, as well aa those of Calliurulu, aru attracting much alteu-lion alteu-lion among Colorado mlulng mun, and that they ha o been buying and bond. Ing u number of protwrilcs lately. |