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Show 1". II. PAItSO.SS A0A1N IN IT. On TliU Occasion Ho li -Surd liy :im, Katn V. "itelililn fur ail Unlawful .Seizure This morning, In tho Third district court, ICate C. titebblus brought suit ogaliut Lllas II. Parsons, ex.U. B. marshal. Hhe clttms Ihat on or ubout July 29th, loW, thu defen iant unlawfully unlaw-fully selred belonging to her, and still detains, ono black liorso worth ?200, onoaorrel horse valued at $73, one buckskin lioreo $10, a top buggy worth $73, a buckboard wagon valued at 13, one aet cf single harness of tbo value of SJO, one set of double harness $20, a lot of hay and straw ustlmated tu havu been woilh $20, and a quantity ol bran and oala valued atSLaggrcgattugSIO!). PlalutlU alleges as thu cause of the detention of her projerty that thu defendant de-fendant claimed to hold thu same by virtue of a certain execution nud levy thereunder as the property of Fred A. Btebblns, lu u certain case ill the Third DWct court wherein the Deep Creek !mge company weru the plaintilTa nud Blebblna waa the defendant. I'm a aecoml cause of action It Is alleged that about August SrJ, ISO J, the defendant Paisonsuulawfully con-vertel con-vertel the foregoing treperty to hla owuuseaud to thu usu and beuuflt of the Deep Creek Ktagu compauy aud still declines to surrender II. IlcnoedauiagtaaroMkod for In the sum of $500, together with interest nt 8 percent per annum from July 20th, SB2, nnd costs. Powers and lilies aru thu plaintiff's attorneys. |