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Show Mining, Mills nnd Ileal Kstatc. The directors of the Intermountaln Millers' association held a meeting jesterday afternoon, nnd adopted a schedule for a uniform rale of exchange ex-change between farmers and millers. It was decided to glvu to thu farmers for a bulked ot No 1 wheat, 3.1 pounds of Hour and 14 pouudsot ollal. The lUMtlou of a mutual lusiirnncu company com-pany was dlsciiuol hut no action was taken ou the sut Jeer. Tho Ileal Kstato and property Owners' aseoclatlon held a inciting lit 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and changed the name of tho orgautzatlon lo the Hilt I. alio Ileal Kitute association. associa-tion. It wus decided that each member mem-ber shall pay a monthly due of $1. Thu association meets again this alter-noon alter-noon to elect u successor lo thu lalo Wm. Fuller, president of tho exchange. ex-change. The Utah Hugar eompany directors met yeaterday atteruinn and elected the following clllrera for thu tnaulug yenr: l'.llaa Morris, president, tleorgo Q. Cauuou, vlce-prialdeni; H. U. Whitney, secretary and treasurer, aud Thomas It. Cutler, general manager. Mr. Wanamiikcr and parly returned from Kureka last uveulug. Thu ex-poslmuster ex-poslmuster went dowu Into the Keystone Key-stone mlpv. Thu annual meeting of thu Dlckort A Mijers Bulj hur compauy convened esterda) afternoon, uud niter u short discussion adjourned until Thursday altcruoon. |