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Show hi: is a hiiyclist. And Alto Urals llio ittcord as a Plunger. "A friend lu need Is n friend In deed," nnd B. II. Love, of Z. C. M. I., had several uf thorn this morning, morn-ing, J uit when their aervloi wero most opiwrtuue. Hu resides at Forest Dale, and 111 making the trip to and from town Is becoming quite an expert blcyclo rider. 'I his morning he was s Inning along to engagu In his dally toll, and when at the southeast corner ol Liberty Park made an extra spurt on his wheeled steed, to show some passing friends uit what he could do. Just at thu corner Indicated tho water of the creek passed out of a lluinu under the roadway, and has cut a deep hole In thu chauuel. Mr. Love was going nt his prettiest rato of speed Just as tula point was reached. At tho same tluio thu leg of his l units caught lu the bicycle wheel, and lu an Instant Mr. Lovu wiu lerked from his lljing ateed and whirled through the air, lauding plump Into thu holo In thu creek. I'ununately hu went In feet fort most, but uveu then the water came up to Ills chin, aud he Is by no means a man of small stature. Ills friends rushed to his aeslstauce, and hu was quickly aided In getting ou dry grounu. His Involuntary bath required his Immediate return homo to ohange his clothing, coiiioqueutly llu wasnllttlulatu lu reporting at his desk this forenoon. Hu now Insists thntthero Is genuine trout fishing at Liberty Park, and calls on bis friends who lulled hlni out of the creek to bear out hla statement. |