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Show NEWS WIRED TODAY Cooler WeatkH Pmalllng In tho Flooded District. TIIC IIEKIMI SEA Dlhl'UW. An Austrian Ldllor Stilclilcs.-Hoolli' Condition. TI10 Kalitr (toloff Home. Cincinnati, May 2.-Tho heavy rains have coated and cooler weatbor i.ieralli. The danger of a disastrous Hood In tho OI1I0 river li not now Imminent. It now stands fifty and n half Ireland la rising only tialfau Inch perliour. Tim greatest damage ! along tb smaller rlvere of Ohio. The Miami river It higher than It has been ilnco 1854. Tho paper mllla at Frankllu and Mlddteton w ere compelled to atop work along the J.lttle Miami. 'Ihouaauda or ncrra ot planted ground la sub-nursed. sub-nursed. Along the Btloto the Dame atate of allalra exists. Tho city park at Chilli-lothe Chilli-lothe la flooded end bottom lauds aro all under water. It laonly Iboabaenoe if 11 great rio from headwalira that prevent) an unutual Hood In tho Ohio river. Bt. Louis, May 2. Advice from aouthern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas atu to thu effect that tho third flood thl Tear In Whlto and llhclt riven Is pouring down, doing great damage to nil kinds or proicrly. A largo 1 art of Poplar blull on the river la submerged and peorle mo nlllged to auauuoii their honors. The bottom landed both Whltuaud Black rlveia are Hooded Sut arorea of mllea. Allcroa aio ilamaeud nr wholly do. slroyid. AtHleetvlllu, .Ml., Ihe water pound thrcugli Iho etrrota four feel deep, lloodlnr tho bouies. Many brld (ta wero washed away. Mccragoraisongerson all thualtam- liia leaving foreign porta on and after May 3.1 will busuljen'ed ton new system of qucitlolu ot thelt arrival and w III cpnie under the control ot the law board if Inspector. To avoid this ninny have ahead) taken pa.sagu iiim luei will bn lit ruin anarma neat week. Toi thoiiMid Italians left Marseilles oa vleveu steamships whkli ut lulled from that port, the Hoi-i. Hoi-i. rati i U bringing 1400. Tlioru are ' 13011 were t Uud from Hreuioii and Iho hum gratlvu Horn other parts Isiqually in latge. |