Show 0 I EAT THIS t t R ROYAL Y 1 i 11 MALTINE il 7 J 1 Lit I J BREAD jI j ii WHOLESOME AND SWEET 1 I 1 ASK ASIC YOUR GROCER FOR IT 1 ARE V YOU U I THE THEONE ONE ONETo NE NETo To get a a. lar large barge c photograph photograph pho pho- free with each ach dozen cabinets during September Hooper Hoop Hoop- er Cr E. E 1st So ft F r. r R r. r DR J. J J. J BUSWELL OPHTHALMIC SPECIALIST k E ES t Fitted Rooms News Building l 4 7 t I J 4 t 01 1 TAILOR-MADE TAILOR SUITS AT ATTHE MADE READY PRICES THE MANHATTAN I TAILORS RS Commercial Club 22 So W. W Temple St. St s IN A AREY 5 REY O ERY ml STORE Lady Customer Now Customer Now do you think Husler's flour as gOO good as asbrand asbrand brand brand Grocer Grocer Wen we sell more snore of oC i Husler's Huler's and hear no complaint S P and its it's the tho same price 2 uti JU 1 ZIONS ZION'S SAVINGS BANK AND TR TRUST CO Ko o 1 Main street treet is the lie largest and oldest oldest old oM- est Savings Bank in Utah Since Its organization more than savings Za accounts have o been of opened ned We c pay I t Iper Iper per pcr c cent nt interest per annum compounded com coin com pounded annually semi on any amount from 1 I 1 to Start an account JOSEPH F S SMITH President I i 1 GEORGE M. M CANNON Cashier The Angelus Los Ls Angeles Th Th I Salt Lake The two finest hote hotels west of oC Chicago I ENGINE AND PUMP EXHIBIT Farmers growers fruit-growers and others In Interested Interested interested In- In cnn can see at State Fair grounds our out gasoline en engines lne and pumps at work Water ater Is Js pumped lumped showing the application for al all sorts of oC dut duty duty- We Ve c manufacture gasoline engines that dothe do dothe the work ork We c do not claim to have time the cheapest engine on the market but yedo we ye wedo do claim that our engines are giving I l' l satisfaction wherever installed It will pa pay you QU to Investigate In Information cheerfully gh given fI by n agent ent In iii charge of I exhibit at State fair and b by FAIRBANKS MORSE 2 CO n CO-n Commercial Club Building 20 0 West est I T Temple m l Stet et 4 I L u JO n i THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM t IS THE a J PEOPLES PEOPLE'S POPULAR PAPER o JU 01 I IT HAS THE LARGEST AVERAGE DAILY EVENING EVENING EVEN EVEN- II ING G CIRCULATION IN UTAH t. t J 4 I 1 1 I 1 Swift R turns WANT CO COLUMNS One Cent ent a Word Each In Its Insertion t Tel T d. d ov LUNCHEON IN DENVER TODAY DINNER IN CHICAGO TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMOR TOMOR- ROW ROV Made possible by th the tho Rocky Mountain Limited via Rock Island route leaves Denver 1 p p. p m in and Colorado Springs p. p m m. dally daily Pullman sleepers Free chair cars carD and dining cars for tor all meals Midday ay luncheon pOc Oc CORONATION SUITS SUITS' TO ORDER For fall Call al all the latest styles J J. J Baumgarten merchant tailor Main street upstairs Royal Bread A machine of pure clean denn steel kneads knead our dough for Royal Bread DrEad No sweat from the human hands and body to lo tomake tomake make It unclean Buy it and see that the label Is on It For sale at all grocers grocers gro sro cers and ser cd In all nil class first restaurants rants mants Royal Bread Bren KEMMERER KEM COAL TEL 49 V WANTED ANTED TO LEASE FOR A YEAR OR RENT small email furnished cotto cottage e. e three rooms pantry and closet pr f'S S West Uh Hh South W WANTED WANTED ROOM ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND ROO ROOM FOR TWO IN private e family OO per lr week 51 4 S1 So 2nd nd West 1 TURKISH BATHS SANITARIUM I LADIES' LADIES TURKISH bahs hairdressing manicuring The Tho best c U W. W V. V 3rd South FOB on SALE MISCELLANEOUS DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT cO COMPELS LS me to sell my mr 3 chair barber shop located In Murray Utah Call Cai on or address C. C F F. Durrand Durrant EVERYTHING EVERYTHING UP to TO DATE Il IN RU RUtt- RUtt ber stamps seas stencils etc ete i 2 V. V 2nd nd South at POE FOR SALE REAL ItEAL FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY FOR sale aJl cheap Before buying see sec us The Tho best heat bargains In the market are listed with us ua Co 33 11 i W W. 2nd So o 40 ACKE H F. FARM r NEAR R LAYTON with abundance of or water 3 fine artesian wells and 3 shares water together with all stock Implements and Rood good house Hubbard Co TO iS W W. 2nd SoWE So WE SELL REAL ESTATE THAT'S all Tuttle Bros 9 Main Red ball bali sign hn CALL FOR NEGOTIATOR OUR list lIt of or realty bars bars-a bargains Ins free tree at office oct of ot Harrington Barrington ti Courtney 70 0 VV W. 2nd Od So FOR REAL ESTATE OR LOANS SEE McKellar Co 63 W. W 2nd South HOUSTON'S HOUSTONS THE TIlE HA HAVE VI ba bargains real as in hou houses 2 l Main THE FACT STILL THAT mop moo homes ar ue are sold lold through mv my agency than any auy other in th the city wh Why hy T Be B. Because B.- B. co cause ue you arc are a ted right riCh t. t See Sea mo me U It you wish to purchase A. A RJ 1 IS li W West t First South co COME COMB m QUICK AND GET YOURSELF a new homo home while the they last on easy payments payments pay pay- ments 6 per Sent cent ent Int mt at cor 1st and 0 O streets also alJO nice new room 6 cotta cottages 8 thoroughly thorough modern on McClelland avo ave bet bel and East EaRt on 1st lot South Inn Inq at premises or at Brigham rl and Eat East Anderson Real Estate In Co Ce CLEANING AND DYEING THE TIlE EAGLE LADIES' LADIES AND GENTS clothes cleaned dyed repaired S 5 i E E. 3rd South BICYCLES AND REPAIRING KEYS FITTED 80 81 O W. W 3RD aRD SOUTH Phone 1146 J. J A. A Meredith BicycLes repaired DENTIST DR WILLIAM I M. M WADDELL V DEN DEN- 1st Templeton bl bide I CLEANING AND REP REPAIRING AIRING OVERCOATS RAGLANS AND AUTO AUTO- etc cleaned dyed and repaired Templeton Cl Co ICS IC'S E E. 2nd So WANTED AGENTS MEN lIEN AND WOMEN WO MAKE 1 5 3 A A. DAY telling selling lIIn V Wonder Waterproof Polish Sell Sella I Itself Two bottles free express paid Address Address Ad Ad- dress this paper Wonder ond r Shoe Polish CoNEVER Co NEVER SLIP SKIRT SUPPORTER per een cent t profit sells eIls for Bc sample Ge Address Telegram Hub Sup Co LADY AGENTS TO SELL TilE THE MOST practical and best skirt and a adjuster adjuster adjust adjust- just just- er cr on the market t lar large larce e profits Address this paper Dorothy Q Stay Co SIEMPRE VIVA IVA A RESURRECTION plants Sample lOc F. F t Tele- Tele gram cram FOR REIDS REID'S CELEBRATED LINE holders stilt sells at sight night Sample and terms G Gem m Mfg f Co Address Telegram IlEO SUO WILL START YOU TAKING ORden OR- OR dora den for tor a a. tool to weave any kind of ot wire wiro fence Address J. J II IL Ritchie Telegram Tele- Tele gram tm SALES SALESMEN IEN TO CARRY SIDE LINE New York Chicago House Dry good and tailor lines Unco Address Addres Weber Telegram office ott AGENTS TO SELL A AN ARTICLE needed In vc every ry household and store for free tree sample Address Kenwood Supply Co Telegram FOR FOIt TIlE THE SALE S. OF A GOOD MINING stock a great reat proposition big money International Securities Co Telegram r lc m. m AGENTS AGE FOR OR BEST DEST SELLERS ON the market Write for circular My Iy pro proposition prop prop- will you Address C C. O. O Parsons Tel Talc ram gram TICKET BROKER ti TICKET OFFICE REduced RE- RE rates everywhere Established lESS I ni Main st et F 1 H 11 m mgr r iNi I IiI I l F I THE FURNITURE FU co Has Hns now arriving large consignments from the manufacturers manu manu- the big store is filled with exquisitely pretty bt bedroom room suites in new and antique styles artistic and elegant finish combined with durability substantial substantial- n and honest workmanship lOUR OUR RANGES RANGE HAVE NO EQUAL I IA I IA A WORD WITH V YOU Our Star Ranges and Heaters Henters are recommended to tobe tobe be superior to any others on the whole market and will bear your closest inspection and will wUl convince you our statements are correct We have havo all sizes and a n largo assortment of ot the ranges II 31 37 35 I 33 35 37 CO OP FURNITURE r lET CO MAIN STREET A MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU Rt lUN SnORT ShORT BETWEEN N tt P. PAIl PAH days go 10 to the Star Loan Co 8 ro Z East 2nd t n South Th They y will advance ance you ou money on your our salary SMALL S LOA LOANS S. S EMPLOYEES E CREDIt CRED- CRED It Co room 16 Iii 49 South Main 10 o UP ON 0 SALARIES S. OR OTt CHATTELS Stocking Loan Co rm mm 38 En Eagle le Blk BROS MAIN STREET nOI to I I Ito to loan lonn on em real re-al estate state at lowest rates rutes special term terms Tuttle broa Bros Progress Herald BIdS BIdS' PHYSICIANS DR E. E S S. S PAYNE 14 lC MAIN ST. ST Diseases of ot women and children Satisfaction guaranteed C Call II or Ot write t. t to oddress WANTED WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 1 HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR CASToff CAST CAST- off clothing shoes s anti and hats huts Drop a a. postal postal pos poe tal tat to No 63 j Commercial street city UTAH JUNK CO HIGHEST PRICES paid for Cor or crap scrap Iron rubb rubber r 1 rags rag bottles bottle copper bra brass etc E. E th So o. o tel 23 AGENTS FOR ATTRA ATTRACTIVE TIVE QUICK QUICK- Belling ceIling book of national 1 Importance Uncle Uncle Un cle dc Sam Trustee by John Bangs 8 80 Illustrations Large commis Riggs Pu Pub Co 1123 Broadway New York WE ORGANIZERS-WE PAY SICK ACCI ACCI- dent de death and old age benefits top re reff renewal re- re f newal contracts American Fraternity Washington D. D CWI C. C WE WI START YOU SELLING DIAmonds DIAmonds DIA- DIA monds dont don't accept pt employment nt until our liberal otTer Carbon Car Car- i bon Diamond Co Go Ij Hopper 1 j CHARTERS PROCURED UNDER SO Dakota laws for Cor a few Cew dollars write for corporation laws blanks laws by-laws and nd j forms Corms to Philip Lawrence late bate As As' Aset H See See- c- c o S State Huron I B Beadle t Co Cot oL 3 S. D. D WANTED SALESMEN EVERY- EVERY where Salary or commission paid weekly week week- 1 ly Ii to orders orderA In eo and rural districts Permanent Outfit fre free Brown Brothers Co Rochester N N. Y FOR RENT FURNISHED CLEAN WELL ED MOD OD err rooms W. W 2nd South SPIRITUALIST W V K i- i NM X X MRS P. P FONTYN CLAIRVOYANT and d trance medium 7 So o. o W. W V. V Temple ELECTRICAL WE DO ELECTRIC WIRING AND DO DOIt DOIt DOit It right and promptly Tel ToL lItt Glo Globs Globe Electric Supply Co G G. C Holding B R. R W. W Basement Templeton Blk STORAGE O AND N RED REDMAN tAN VAN AN STORAGE CO lar largest larges and und best vans an Fireproof t storage Priori PhonA Office M U West 2nd OJ South Evening F. Telegram opposite Tribune office f FOR SALE SALL J- J S X rf S NEW WAGON WAGO cheap che Apply Appl W W. So GOOD RIDING HORSE NEW NEWdie SADdIe SADdIe SAD SAD- die and bridle l cheap 6 62 E. E 2 Id d So ft at t. t 1 AUCTION SALE E. E Jo FOR OR FURNITURE AND l' l call at the I. I I. I X X N. L I i Carpet Installment House terme t. II U on IO n ibI 1 on SIC HOC 48 E. E nd So o. o st. st 1 P. P A. A Sor Sorensen WE aU BUT DUY SELL OR OH EXCHANGE j furniture Salt Lake luko Furniture I Co So State at NEW V A AND D 2ND HAND FURNITURE boU bought ht sold and e Easy pay pay- moms ments Tel N. Washburn ashburn Kurn Furn Co 35 25 W W. let 1st t So 80 FOR RENT lm IC M MOD nR lIE BR ON 1 WT wT T rm l-rm rm frame th East Bust iO Office rooms In block S1 11 and up Lar Large e Main st t storeroom Houston Real Heal Estate Estate- Inv mv Co 21 Main LARGE STOREROOM I ON 0 MAIN ST. ST light dry n- n basem basement nt under entire room Ontee rooms In D Denhalter block V. V 3rd t tio and up Houston io t dR Real ri Et Estate tc Inv mv Co 51 l Main 2 25 HOUS ALL KINDS I AN AND AliD Stein st t Tuttle Bro Bros 19 FOR FOn n VACANT HOUSES TEL TL 2 71 T. T CASH S. s NATIONAL CW CASH I REGISTERS OScar OScor OScar OS OS- car cor Groshell MI aale agent No So 31 l Main at aL aLlt t. t lt Expert Cash H. H Register Impairing I MANUFACTURER A. A MAILLARD AND IMPORTer IMPORT IMPORT- er r hl high l grade perfumes HC 1 1 L. L 2nd nd So PALMISTRY AND ASTROLOGY CONSULT CONSULT ri MADAM M NE LY-NE CLAIR j wonderful seer seH tS 4 W. W V. V 3rd sou Souta t OPTICIANS W. W W W. B. B RUSHMER lER 10 Optician 73 W. W 1st let So 80 Special Je Jef examined f 0 ground round to order Eyes Eye glasses lag cs t free REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING ALL KINDS KIr-DS OF 01 and repairing renovating reno mattress etc 8 S. L. L Mattress Mfg Mft Co phone 67 So W. W Temple All AH work guaranteed II WANTED HELP OFFICE ICI blOT ABOUT 14 YEARS OF OF age must be 00 bright t Intelligent ent and come com recommended address n In own handwriting nana hand writing giving J. J IL c care uro ro r lv tv- tv 1 suing Telegram SCAVENGER Vi KEE- KEE BANITA tY C Ctt CO cr lit ht tt South Tel TeJ f SALT LAKE LAKS SCAVENGER CO r. r Phone 36 56 office U 9 Main it ac U ft f. f j |