Show NATIONAL LEAGUE P. P W. W L. L PC IO 3 3 7 Brooklyn n 31 71 63 6 WO 53 r Boston 12 67 6 62 DID Cincinnati 3 70 GI 7 61 Chicago H I G 57 f S St St. St Louis 13 M fi 76 1 2 Philadelphia I 13 53 SO 50 S 3 le New York 53 5 37 1 FIRST GAME R RI H IT E. E E Chicago 4 4 9 3 SI St SI Louis 2 3 3 Batteries Taylor Batteries Taylor Taylor and Khin ONeal Oleal and Weaver Umpire Umpire Brown f SECOND GAME GIE R. R H. H E. E E Chicago o 4 I 11 2 St. St lul LOUiS 1 5 0 Batteries Williams and Wicker Icker an and Weaver Umpire Umpire Brown R. R It H. I. I E. E Cincinnati 3 3 3 1 2 Pittsburg 2 2 6 G 2 hahn Batteries Hahn ann and ane Plots Pletz and Zimmer Umpire ODay Umpire Day FIRST GA GAME IE R. R H. H E. E St. St Loula Loul 10 15 3 iso o 9 12 13 3 Batteries Butteries and SUGden Griffith and McFarland SECOND GAME R. R II H. E. E E St St. Louis 4 t 4 fi f 9 Chicago 10 10 12 3 Batteries Sugden Sugden Friel Wallace alac held held- rick Burnett anti and Powell Powel Bell nel and Merles |