Show EVERYTHING READY FOR FORSTATE STATE fAIR OPENING Races Vaudeville Band Concerts and and Interesting Exhibits Exhibits Exhibits Ex Ex- Ex- Ex hibits Make take Up an Entertaining With every Indication pointing to a triumph over o all an former efforts the bl big State Fair will lit lii open tomorrow Just OH rum each succeeding year ear since sinco the c establishment of oC the Fair Fall has lias witnessed d Improvements Im Im- Im- Im over o the time showing showing- made the time preceding year the present arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments will eclipse all nil that has been heen accomplished accomplished ac cc- heretofore and Fair Pair n at attendants attendants at- at t- t may bo ho safely sareh assured that thero Is la a 1 grand and treat In store for tor them The rho addition of oC horse races this year car will be the most striking departure c from Crom the 01 old 1 rules and that tIme the races will draw a largely Increased ed attendance attend attend- anco ance Is 15 certain Vaudeville attractions and band concerts will al also o take tale place dally daily and amid nil all classes es will wilt get ct something to their liking The grounds pre presented a n most moat active appearance yesterday t and amul today everything everything every every- thing IK Js being rushed in or order er to have havethe havethe the thc exhibits nil all In place e for tor or the open- open Ing The interior of or the building Is filled tilled with handsome displays of various arIous vari arI ous kinds and outside the best livestock livestock live live- stock exhibit ever seen In the State Is awaiting the coming of or the big crowd of oC admirers The new mme race track is being sprinkled con constantly and rolled roiled with a n heavy steam roller Each of ot the 30 cattle stalls has imas a bovine lne representative In iii It and many of the horse stalls of oC which there arc are fifty eight are already filled with Clydesdales and other fine breeds of or ho horses es Besides the these there will be he fiet fifty race horses and sheep some of oC the time latter prize prizewinners prizewinners winners from Crom France The D D. A. A M. M society Is 19 only occupying oc oc- oc- oc fort six forty of Its seven fifty acres ecres for tor this fair and will Increase the thc area urea n as occasion may muy demand In years to come comae The cattle stalls run along the south fence In two rows and the thc horse stalls are arc ran ranged ed along the west fence rence The sheep and anti ho hog imog pens penn and the poultry stands arc are situated north of or the tIme cattle stalls and the ex exhibit exhibit ex- ex hibit ring to the north of or these and southwest of the race track A spacIous spacious spa- spa cIous clous grandstand tand has been erected at atthe tho the south Muth side of or the track The exposition hall while not very ery lar large e. e l I iii quite artistic both as to exterior exterior ex ex- tenor and antI interior It runs diagonally across the southeast corner of or the fair air fairgrounds grounds round and anti has four Cour entrances and exists The principal entrance I is from Crom the southeast side Ide Its roof Is adorned with about a n. dozen fin flap flag poles pole and will ili pre present ent a n gny gay appearance when a n flag flutters from each There Is no gallery as In the time old exposition building and amid th the floor space Is somewhat limited Turning to the right as you OU go 0 In 11 n at atthe t the tho main entrance on omm the rl right ht hand hanl handIs Is the schools exhibit Following around the aisle the tho wall exhibits In Inthe Inthe the order are the art exhibit womans woman's work fruit flowers dalr dairy produce vegetables vegetables anti and candy This brings s you ou back bacle to the main entrance again The Ime floor space on the Inner side of oC the outside of or the outer al lel Is cut Into four Cour our blocks Ly by y broad nl aisles les cro crossIng cross cross- sIng s- s Ing big each other Each Ench of or the these e blocks Is cut Into three square spaces divided by al aisles Perhaps the moat unique and one of or orthe the time most attractive r exhibits Is that of or time the Bear Dear River Water Vater company and amI the J Lehl hl Sugar company compan which Is a ajl jl Joint nt display It Is is In the form Corm of ot a pavilion pa n cro crowned d by an Immense sheaf of or wheat heat tour four our and a half feet reet high anti and five 1 feet teet In diameter It is surrounded I by sheaves hea of oC oats which run this year I S bushels to the acre In the center of at these theRe sheaves she are of pf fruit and vegetables es A ton tort of oC sugar In l' l sacks occupies one side of the pavilion and und the time Interior is Iq filled with a a. tempting tempt tempt- III ing display of or fruit Secretary Sears Seers said today that W. W Yo C. C Sparks R hall had sent a Il carload of oC Hereford cattle from American Falls to compote compete for for- the time premiums offered 1 by the A Americium American Hereford association which h arc are open oen to all America He Ho added that by the thc time the fair la Is opened to the public at 1 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon the grounds and Vace tace ace truck track which are being continually continual continual- ly lip sprinkled and anti rolled would be bc h n 11 excellent condition I |