Show THE AFTERNOON NEWSPAPER Chicago Evening I Post The splendid growth of ot the evening p paper per is however In complete accord with the fitness and reason reMon of or things We Ve are rc a bus busy and strenuous people We e go to work Mork early earb and have no time In the morning for newspaper reading We Ve glance at the headlines read hastily hastily hastily has has- tily a fe few Items and turn to the order of or the da day can stop to assimIlate assimilate late the editorial comments the book reviews the dramatic and musical notices notices notices no no- tices the correspondence nce etc ete of ot a morning pap paper r Even I If the thc evening papers papers papers pa pa- pers did not prInt first the greater proportion proportion proportion pro pro- portion of ot the thc news the they would be valued for or their departments editorials and elaboration o of the news The Tho mornIng morning morning morn morn- ing paper Is a n. necessity o of modern ex exIstence existence existence ex- ex the evening c paper Is a comfort comfort com coin fort a JO joy and a blessing Necessaries we accept as us a matter of ot course the comforts and luxuries of civilization we a appreciate te and cherish To progressive progressive sive people luxuries arc the real necessaries necessaries necessaries saries o of life lICe Men Ien who think study and digest the recorded news of the day political day political lit literary literary lit lit- industrial artistic may artistic may take an any number of ot papers but they read reada a go good afternoon paper which prints all 11 the fit news and honestly rationally rationally rationally ration ration- ally and candidly comments upon It |