Show 4 J r QUAINT ANNOUNCEMENT BY KANSAS t i EDITOR OF HIS COMING MARRIAGE f TOPEKA I lan Kan nn Sept Z Thc The following unique article appears on f ff f the editorial J page pace c of or the Highland Vidette There herc Is but hut one omme more week of oC single blessedness for Cor the editor of or off orthis f this paper paver A young oun woman has consented to take our OUI name and share f ff f with us thc and jo Joys s 's of oC life lICe She Is Miss 1153 Elsie Her Herf f ff f 4 father Cather was us Frank a veteran of or the thc Civil II war who died one f 4 year car ago The time lime set for Cor the ceremony Is 15 next Wednesday at t 2 o'clock f fIn In time the afternoon at the home of oC Mrs Ir J c A number of or friends f have ha been Invited invited but but not neatly neally all The rhe house would not hold one- one third of ot nil all those we should have hare been pleased lerl to see sec ec present This Is 4 f not thc the e editorial we we wp VP having ha as assumed umed a new significance But there f ff f will be enough e wc hope to fill tho the house and see that the Job Is well f ff f done Thero There will be no attendant attendants We c will be the thc whole show sho There f will be he no tears e c everyone will be be go so glad to see us editorial us finally 1 married There Thero will ill be bc a halI happy handsome couple the handsomeness oin beIng being be- be f Ing contributed by the other half No 0 ones one's life Is 15 complete completo who ho lives Ins f alone No 0 of or course COUlSO not To ro develop Into a sur surly h crabbed soul shriveled old bachelor or dwindle away an old maid mal full of oC vinegar and fool no- no what what fate To form a n complete and useful life lire marriage mar mar- marf f rinse Is a n necessity as well velI as 13 a luxury Yet these thes c com considerations are arc aref f mere side Issues The Thc first consideration craton Is 18 to find someone omeo you ou can f love respect admire Love c is apart from Crom l logic lc It Is capricious It f frowns Crowns up upon n w wealth tramples over OVI differences of or age breaks down an any f established rules cities of or precedence and astounds the thc cool coolly I systematic We Weare c care f are It rime Time pa passes ss slowly |