Show THE FAR NORTH I aWlilllN The railroad laborer working on the railroad nearOrntkolditlk have tlruck for higher wages The Ice In the Iktltlc off Lilian HIM found to be three feel thick Hie first day of June A large mechanic workshop will be built In bvnluet A Block company h1 been otganlted for the putpoe Seven hundred and thirty thtee per ion emigrated lo America Ihe oilier dy by way of Gothenburg The epidemic ol smallpox Increasing Increas-ing In Gothenburg Several cases were reixmud rmn milled the other day King Oicar bas ubtocllbII l 110100 crow ns for ilurea 1 In Ihe proposed augur factory at 1 t arms on the I land i of Ool land landA A magnificent public school house n will be finU In ltfu KMrini pariah of Stockholm The coat II l e < tlmat il nl j7ouo crown The C nhenbure llandelstldnlng I hn collected and lenl uver 3000 crown lo the 1 peopleiufTeilng by the laic landslide In Vacrdalcn 101 way The navll cadeti of Cttltlcrona havo donated their salary for Iwo month to the fund which U being ralwd for the btillJmc of a new wars ttp The properiyWoTflie tate telegraph company 1U i estimated at LJOOOOO crown while Ihe property of use lute telephone company amount to over 55uoujo crow IK Lieutenant Colonel C A Von Sege nlell dad al Ids country nunnion KaolletUI al the ugq pf 7S 30071 The deceased was widely known ae an author military wmjecli Sir Ilunkett the Jlnsllsh mlnUter 10 Stockholm has been appointed mlnUter to Unwell nnd t Sir St John Ihe mint ter to Mexico will be transferred Ihe Swcdiih capital Mn Elise llnmmugren I untried l lo a prominent nnnufictuter of IMupadal committed tulckle while temporarily insane She leave beilde her hua band eight mall childred A neoere Htorm ii I reported from the klnlly of Aikeriund Lightning truck three arms al the same lime which were burned lo thegtound Many cillle were ruakted lu death An III i rep n I I merihnt il l N In I lot I II lu II w > d i pnatnl 1 II I l I lIl i I I imount to only t IT 10 < i > i 1900 Awhbtahop Sundberg Celtt ratd A I i I I h I Ld 7lh birthday and 1111 tomes Jf1 I hl I IK onlho mnjunl > hundred ol l per oni t1K i In honor of the 111 I clergymen rc the W t iruwn < > archb hop donated 3 > CIII < 10 calheclnl of Upialn anti 2Ul a charity iiuillutlon STOCKIIOLH June uiprr t J Several cyclUls of Washington l h > have utrtvid at 1 lelln borg They In lend lo make a lour on Wcvclci through HVeral prcnlncw ol r h eden sod alao my A vlllt to the elite oSlockl olro I i Upiah and Nortkopmg The trip he I expected lu tail about two multi NORWAY I j The Clown prince and crown prince have donalwl 1000 crown to the pee pie of Vaerdaleit I A colleetlon Is I being taken I up In sal I I the churehe fl Norway for the suitor I lug people of Vaerdalen The Melba of Ihe decnwed merchant Johan Theeen have donated iboooo crowns lo Ihe city ol l llergen Two large faimi were burned downtime down-time other day at hnoierad hunted n few miles from the church of Kurne The ChrlMlanla Morfenblndel hu collected over ijooo Crowns for the ulf ring pets to 01 actdalen At n com Ihloll In Chilitlania U I wren Swedish German and ngllih I fire etiglnea the fcwedlnh engine WM given Ihe firat prior by the jury The radical paper 1 have Inaulled King Oscar III the Inlet ilumele a wny be tame they think Hint the amount nf ioo crown which he donated the uflerfng people of Vatrdal > n ouuhl lo hue been icveril i lime I l II tIIO tlr Oscar lick on derlnreil himself willing to conltihulo money to Dr Nanxni ox > ethlion M Ihe north role but the offer war relmed on aoounl of Dickaon being n Swede and lontrihu lions ore wanted only from the Norwegian Nor-wegian UKNMARK 1 Itrman king Ihe aulhor is I sick Itv the lilel talitlln I the city of Copenhagen al OnIh penhagen ha 336noo lnhablnt Juilge Tlilele a prominent criminal Iso l > er of Copenhagen waa struck by apoplexy while he wa i walking on the tltett and died in a few hour Krlk S llenln Iiniih consul to OtleeM Runis I though a banger al that place ha I loon appointed I n member mem-ber of the hoard of atbilratinn of the exchange This position I important I Hi duly being to wttle nl dipule between I be-tween the tntclianti the dec llon of n select committee of three being final |