Show THE CITY CIRCUS DlmOmls Convert Liberals to the lIre Hills Taxation Rates HIE IU1I It SlliAI Till lltLIIlT II M t JonriN lltrlrlril Iranrlilte tossrdAu lirirt t In Cut Ilonu 1ojroll ° lipiixii lltfcalcJ An adjourred sic Ion it the City Council oem held lent ills lit 1ruldeut Loofbourow occupylni the chair The lIIIIIIrll who answered to roll call In addition Olin prtnl lent wire low oIl IIulw Ileardilej Blmondl Coon Kelly Morn Karrlck FolUiid Hardy hid Hell Wnntland Till Illllll IIIIMI1 loinKui IIITIT iAitciiNV Kely ollernl the following retolu lion llaauliiKl That Iho role of Umtlnn for Iho jear IMI I I Iw Used hj Ihl Council ui lUeraiuof Hv a mllU on each dollar on Hi a > wil alnailnn i of proiwty lihin Ihi wriwral lluill Karrlrk nllinu and Hardy tftuug the t olnt that hit iwolullon Woo out it arbor for the leiMU that Mr Iullnnd hud kiicb a motion provrly buforo thu houw nude ut the rvluui nmtlUK and H Inch WM mill uudlinouHi of Itlch lupilruj nf the choir If ho h11I thnt thu imnlutlon Val in order and lenlvliiit mi afllrm nth reply thn itMitluaian front the Third pitoluot Mid I it win an InioniiHni rocinllnif soot I ho taw tho Slot oleirly It wn a olllloul tone It so ai a wuu ol ilmling thunder f uiu thin Dmnuuutlo side I ni Ibo tacos In I oiiitr to gIna th uredlt hoe lieu mill rllv 10 Ihu 1lhol 1110 411 Uligeti tleminly lIne e f 1111 IIM from bwlu nlliKlo I mil I Mr Fill iii > muilou woo I rorly tb ooieii so Kelly4 rem lulln lie ended to know II hoe Uberaluicmunl thought the wcru rIlUK lAir in ihn mailer 1 Hand wa unit d attonUbwl that loIn lilierul ioileaju < ihi uld I betwnii to his tbud 1 u oon to thU Chow of Ihlnklnu nnd Iheu I w illtbuutit ui lo linpllnal lhlHnuiluulli order to IIIhe iSlOtleol calIol nut of It lUrrlckandl VHiiauei v ln favor of lion 1 1 flvo mill rlo nml dj not euro IMP Icularlj o I bid iwolullon oatiloj DO Lull Wile Indenliually thu Kimo Chll Tot Iclil lot as 1011011 AjellMrdlej Hi II iTn ju lUll lUroy tOok llnm Karritk Kelly 1lIwID l Miioonll U Nooltioo d olll < urowi Waul An 000ihOiho cutout ring Ih hole wn I HM duiiUetkUjiuiilouol tborulu LL 11111 311M iItoaiiti A rolill rillii i rrlu piwt K KM aall eli 1 Iu hubert N Jinn lill C 1 tOoighl Inos P Md It tahl i I lii 1ehioi IiOi Sir n IOrlo1 I of If u 1lrl The rtft < nn 11 I rlrllof of or5 IIIK I and malBtXiii I g in r Ic > irmt lane alloys and map to la < > r the oily nolwatHl 00co soil nliotO lngih ron tool 00 los cndoitIihr fnr ib pnrpouwf u i itilng < h < irlrnl toO r power I IMMlni 1 I a I hrailui I < and otbtr pnrpo > iiirftllio iniih wnni Kiera Nseseiob l TU llikl unit rrlllltvo of opening HlUftgvi n llv nnd I pnbllo 4 < CMIL pirpi of layhiK = vondult ttgdMJfftnieii C i r ton purpoM of iranamltttiu htical 1 IT 1 tar lower Hunting Uealn on I 01 IM urpoe > to the InbaMlUlaSl doe rill l Tbouutl Haton N I here lii > la heir ami ualiin ilfiriuj u o i rinl I amraaanl Shill dl7ymVSlU n fibrlr IHW h iby miilxi t ib wlih tho 1 1 Molly I Onion It elor 0 luiliU lo the dllum uf > at4 elt II 1 0 aandirtl types of InmDdMont iin I 1 at n tint not lo ojioanl oi e wn I r our fir iwih alxleoti oaiiul power In up a I a pro rcrilnnaM eharm for ltooop I 11 I hl lucrnuxHl = ciI motIle tmer and for 00 Iliihia l of Inn llloUMiid enoill ntitn 01 a 1 nnv nnt Ui oiOMd IM I ir m nth I r IJ oVIook Mrvlov fiti 19 r 11 nkM TVIW 1 Iuilher in fntnWi Inhimif for Iho I istre5 hlghtrnya a st l inhl 1laoou hit the oily In any iheaiei I l oil Ions OIl n Ih o not lo etccod < IO tt m I to f mrhjiin aitdtepaworteiop for all I niuh oi > h each ilgho In ths wk urtinrio tup ply the I City UBIIMII room and 1 city M ofBeta oil piddle llbrar nhh lhlr I iwtewarywrrwt Br lamp Inirn 110 tlin lh < t tallfl la allIId l mniinimu lv tlurlne Ufa of fraurblw llhout eharnit Tti fmnebU chili IHI I told 1 If 1 old AtMrwlM Hum lu I ColiC Ion with the Hthla sad 11 phtut ol 1 tbo ul lih > neri M ibis hilt bellol iOasi5 III Illv Cot touwuutl oaiiyon Iho rollowluK joolutlon by Kill wnndoptedi l lice ohed That A eily recorder be h inlioittllfylo the county elerk nf lull Uke oounly Uw Ui levy for MM f ruo an MUbllhed by tbtluuucll 1AUtUU Mill CIIUV Wantland oirereJto fullonlai V hrea > Tha ratf Uiatlnn for ISM ha lwn nUbll h 4nu > mill wbleb will IIIMII about HUM rudueilon clot hYM ItMolved 1 nut II k sioieosury tn re diiooth jiollipti ti about JBpor mil I Nut the notnol ominltiM I heruiiy lu i rncuxl to mxu > le the I work of hoe nilou hoporlloont aid repnnlo the tounellthiiaoiloii uoMary to seoul eueh iwluo Ion trim I t-rim Uiuuull redul to adopt tho ID solution andj > iJuuij J I |