Show Itoird ol I1 ihlCAtloil The board 01 inluuatlon hold Ita regular intttliiK loot evening and Ore laoltil I HID f illotvtnK builiimi A trillion WBi trod inking that Mn Htlllwrll relalni a a tuachtr In Ills chooli Ordered Kiel Mr Ialunou rciwrlrd Hint ho hat III hot rccdviJ horn O M Jlroucu trtanurur of the board u ituleiueu Klvlngtbu amount of money now 01 Hind which ahowrd a balance o r ITMu The report wai ordirrd IIIt I A petition frum J 1 > Hulllvan wee read rriardlnj Ihe inching of Muck board which Mr HulllVJii ollorel to do at 15 cams per yard Ibo bom ordered the miking of UK yard Mr l IIIOdll Wit elected vlcei proddont > of the board A uutnltr of bllli were nrdtred paid I Adjourntd II inrvi Monday nlgiit |