Show lrinil liny llcpoit I I Tho grand Jury reported n < followis Wu hues been III wetlou rl htren day twelvo of which have len de voted lo buinvM under the low of Ihn Territory nod tilt uuiler the Iowa l of th UnlKU HlaiM 1Vu have ixamlnod Into fifteen charm i and wo have found Ihllleen Intllumeiitr all under < 1 the lairs of Ibo lenltoiyof Utah Wlln ree hiving boas aul111 inted who did not aptesr The luilhtr euoilJ oration uf the cairn o the United Hula T > H J > Chlrpollod and the Ivople vi Arnold Cnlor wan 10011 l tuned wuhave examined ilxtjfour wll nM > tilntheabovo e a w The gaud I Jury further Mpoit that tlirrtiaTe exainlLvd the county ill of Ulahoouniy and lien found the rame In II cliuu und healthy ujnil lion ind HID olllceie eiercUlDK Irolr dliclplluit rhiru 1luIiI nu Wither bmuiBM before thr grind Jury we unrait tno i leaiurn of the cuurl A U lloniiwA Ioremaa 11 JUlitviMi ill ClnL |