Show GOLD LOCKET WILLBE WILLBE WILL WILLBE BE PRESENTED GAVIN Man Who Helped Salt Lake to Capture Capture Cap CRp- ture Reunion to Be Honored A reception to the new new- grand lodge I will be held at the Elks' Elks clubhouse clubhouse club club- house tonight During the course of or orthe the evening C. C J. J Gavin of ot Raton Baton N. N M M. M I. I will be presented a n. gold locket b by lod lodge e No 85 The gift is made h by the Salt Lake Jake Elks Elk as ns a token of their appreciation clation of the part taken 1 by Mr Gavin In ob- ob taming the convention for Salt Lake Mr r. r Gavin although not not nota a a. member of oC the grand lodge secured p permission at Milwaukee to go on the floor at t a i grand gland lod e session and make mak speech nominating Salt Lake f for tor r the next con con- Judge Jude Powers Is expected to lo tomake tomake make the speech of or presentation I |