Show iSI 0 priced High stocks stock not in demand this morning AJax feeling stronger on Indications of an approaching strike Judge Daly-Judge Daly was wa offered at 1125 with lh no takers this morning Interest Is centering centering In the outcome of or Mondays Monday's meeting of Eagle EaKle Blue Bell Bel shareholders Bue Yankee showed weaker prices today with no one anxious to trade In spite of or heavy sales California made a show of oC strength It I will vilI wi probably probably ably advance ance before the thc n assessment Is 13 paid The man who bet upon Century reaching 1 U Is In a fair way of or winning his wager before min many man hours Somebody f erns ems to be picking up tip a little Sacramento Sacramento- on every call caU It Its It's Is I's s time the mill was reporting reporting- reporting Guessers on the situation sa say that the Car Gary block of or stock Is hc g over the market and keeping prices price s do down is' is n. n |