Show NO dANTE CHANtE 1 I FOR HEARING I I Mc McMaster Discloses ses Decision De De- Ie- Ie i cis ion Releasing ng Gaynor Gaynor Gaynor Gay- Gay nor and Gree MONT MONTREAL L A Aug uS' uS Donald McMaster McMaster Mc Mc- Master leading coun counsel el for 91 the United States today gave e a out statement In reference to Judge irh's l Judgment In the Greene Gaynor-Greene case casc In my my opinion h hc- hc said the Judgment Judg judg- men meat ment Is bad and the r reasons In support of It wor worse The Js is In Sn effect a snap jud judgment upon the h whole holc case The authorities authorities' submitted su 01 on b b half of or the s 1 I ef I said eald McMasters Neither elther does Ui the Judgment o of Justice Andrews It Is i's either Ignored or tightly lightly led aside The Judgment juds was ws ics res Justice Justice Jus- Jus tice lice Caron was absolutely bound by byUs principle underlying underlying under under- Its Us terms lerms upon every lying the administration of or justice |