Show CHARGES SIFTED AT PRoVO INFIRMARY PROVO Aug CommissIoner Hill Hi wal wall Interviewed relative to the alleged cru cruelties at the tho Infirmary In which hewa he was wa charged n as f being bing a star participant Mr Hill 11 stated that In the case of or old man Clayton who It I was claimed was allowed to remain out on the hillside all night as punishment for disobeying th the rules of the Institution wa was wan only a bit of or tho the aged Inmates Inmate's foolish foolish- ness The old man was waR put In Jail two or three times during the Immediate week of or th the tho trouble for drunkenness drunkenness drunk drunk- enness and md wu Wl- Wl vas told hy by the matron that If he left lef the place l again aln and got ot drunk crunk he would not be 0 accepted back without first lg obtaining I the h consent e t of the th Corn Com missioners 1 The f old man went vent to town g again and stayed all 11 night and returned In the afternoon He tie was told to go o to I Commissioner lull Hill Hi and get et permission ron to ta to get In The old fellow sulked milked until night night- tal tall fall and ant then went out and slept In tho the barn It I W was S a n warm night and no hardship hard hard- ship chip W Wl was B suffered OF rt th the nc other case wherein ln It I Is sal said a it cripple wa was abused d by the Commissioner loner Mr lull Hill JI stated st e that tho the man Inan had been In town drinking and got homo home too late lato to got nt In and he too slept In tho the barn barn morning moring of or tho the awakening the very verv insolent and called the matron n it liar h The he bishop he heard rc what he said rind and Mapped him with wih his open hand It IL I was that tho the blow was a 1 hard 01 oneS and Count County Attorney Attorney tor J ney Page tho Sherlf went out to to the Institution to st In matter No damage was wa w done and County Attorney Pago Page stated that the Inmate not to do anything In th tho matter mater It I was WOM wn further learned that the tho Inmates had apologized to the and that tha peace rel reigned ned once more V t Tho The State Insane E asylum Ium board met yesterday yes yes- yes es with wih Gov GO GOWe We Wells ls presiding and all ni I the members were wr-re pret ent with wih the tho er- er of State Auditor e The usual allowances were made and a few few- i other matters mater of oC a routine kind were con con- Gov Wells els expressed himself as ns being well pleased d with conditions The Tho rounds were made and tho the building and patients looked clean J Tho The Count County Recorder REcorder Is preparing an on abstract for the n new w organization known as the Dutchman Mining company compan The claims purchased by tho the wealthy Ohio crowd are art well situated In th the American Fork Jork and Include the Dutchman the Wild Dutchman ext extension n lon the th Surl Security and n tho the New Ideal and anil th the tho Osborne mill mi sites Nos 1 and 2 Considerable activity Is expected from tram the tho n new w concern Mrs Eliza Taylor the tho n aged td mother of or Mayor Thomas Taylor Talor suffered an ac accident acci acci- l- l dent yesterday which mB may r re result re- re suit sult In serious consequences Mrs Taylor was wad Wi out driving with wih her friend Mrs T. T COlln Collins and was WM In the th vicinity of oC the C Center street crossing of the II It H G G. V V. line when the tho hoi horse HO look tok fright at t the train and turn turned the corner rather sharp sharp- I ly lv throwing both ladic from the tho Mrs Collins CollM escaped with wih only onh a n slight Injury Injun to her knee but Mrs Ir Ta Taylor llor re- re 01 ld a n broken arm and some Rome very eero bruises Dr Taylor who ho rendered as- as stated that tha he was unable a as yet et yetto yetto etto to determine whether an any Internal In Injuries injuries In- In juries had beep been received td Mrs Taylor i Is 1 62 team of or age ape and the shock received receive dea deals deais severe severely with her hr hw |