Show ELK REUNION O 1 T LEFT 7 IN SALT LAKE CITY THEIR STAY After Attel entertaining the visiting Elks their families friends and others who were wert drawn to the lie elt city by ly the attractions attractions Incident to to the session of the grand rand lodge Salt Lake Lale is the thc richer richter by about The Thc con consensus en UR of or the most careful estimates is that visitors made madean an nu average stay of live five lays days The They spent their none Hotels r restaurants restaurants res res- 3 rooming houses and saloons the the- of save sa HoOter most mot by transients S. S The hackmon kmen a and ml I have e rented a harvest t such sUeh as th they y seldom garner in so short t a 0 time tim and ani I the he l stores h have ve r. el some Home benefit Irom the th-e added population LIOn tion lint hut not to th the their 1 proprietors pro pro- j anticipated the the Elks were wen too hils busy having ha a J good time to make many s staple pic purchases rc halOes Dealers In souvenirs l of oC the convention con and of Salt Lake and Utah ha have hasold sold soil them to hundreds hundred of T Elks from every cry part of the country countr Temple and Tab Tab- souvenirs t to tG the number of oC Wl were ro disposed pd of oCt The Street Hallway company comp put Into service everything e on wheels in Its po possessIon possession pos pos- session and anda was a abie to supply the demand for transportation tation about the city It Is estimated that fares tares have been lIeen rung run up in Salt Sail Lake durIn during during dur dur- In ing the pa past t five fi days Aside from the delegates who were J 1 4 MONEY SPENT SINT BY REUNION VISITORS t f ff oJ f Estimated number ir 4 4 Average ra e length of oC five el days n I t 4 f Paid to lo hotel hotels and rooming hou houses eR s. s J i 1 4 l I t f Paid to r restaurants and rd ld cafes afe 1 7 4 4 Paid to Street Streel Rall Railway n company for fOI fares r f ff f Spent nl nt resorts all all' and t Sie lIS Cl tora l i i 2000 f ff f 4 Spent for souvenirs J. J 9 1 f ff f Spent In saloons cicA fe nd liquors 7 f 4 t Paid lall for general merchandise h J. J t tt f 4 Incidental expenses cx Ic laundry r. r barbers ha bootblacks bo 4 a I i f Estimated total 40 i ht f 2 2500 4 4 Deduct Buffalo Dili r i F f T 4 11 r J 4 Left in Salt La i Q 4 A. A l A 1 L L A. A A A A. A 1 A. A k l i. i i. i l L k l k 1 1 1 T T r T T i iy y- y T T. T y r ryr T T r Tr r i T j f T T T r y T y T T K directly Interested 1 In the session ses sea lIon aba of oC the grand lodge the e chief purpose pur pur- pose Iose and effort of the was amusement and the resorts resorts' that furnIshed furnished furnished fur fur- icci recreation cation ha have found d their h lr ca ca- ca- ca r y r-y y yr T r T 7 T T Tr T r T T TT r. 1 T 1 1 1 f j taxed da day and night nl Both theaters the- the ulers aters Saltair Lagoon Calders Calder's park purk the Snit Salt Palace and the various ls small shows shows' have had all ull the business they could OUli handle |