Show I San Francisco o Mining Stocks Stocks San Francisco Feb Pf 1 The The official closing quotations for mining today to today to to- day were as follows Alta AHa 0 S S S 1 U 11 Belcher e e 07 IC Ophir B B 26 Overman yi 26 Potosi 12 g Caledonia Chal d Con 17 Savage se v 10 P Chollar 11 Seg Belcher Belcher 03 Cholar Confidence 48 68 1 Sierra Nev 15 5 C C Va 13 Silver Hill 11 76 6 Crown Point 07 Standard 30 G C C. C 0 14 Union Con n 21 H tc t N 29 M Br Utah l Con 01 gt Mexican 33 Yellow Jacket 17 Occidental tal Con 10 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS Am S R. R IStO Leadville 0 d 05 preferred Little Chief 12 1 Adams Con Con 20 I Ontario 0 Alice Adam 45 Ophir 80 60 Alce Breece j j 65 65 Phoenix Phonix 04 0 Brunswick 07 Potosi 10 W Comstock Tun TunC 05 09 Savage Savage- 06 0 C C Va a. a 1 Sierra Nev 12 i iHor ge Deadwood dO 50 Sm 1 lopes j J 35 Horn Hor Silver Siver 12 Standard S1 v. v Iron Silver Siver 64 6 BOSTON BOSTON MINING STOCKS Adventure 2100 Osceola Oscela 5 Allouez j Parrot rot J Alouez Quincy Baltic S Fe Cop Bingham g 2325 Tamarack Cal aWe Hecla i J I 1350 Centennial t 1200 Trinity 1350 g Cop Range ir U S. S J J. J gW t Domn Coal 2225 Utah tah 24 2400 2420 Franklin n 1425 Victoria ri Isle Royale ai 2225 t U Mohawk Wolverine 50 Old l b Domn i rg 2225 |