Show STOCKS MORE ACTIVE Recorded in Spots Spots Con Mercur the Feature Peature Yesterday on the tire mining exchange closed with wih the sale of 88 shares that brought and vl while e trading trading trad trad- ing log was quite quie active e. e t tie the e gains gain's ere were confined to spots Con Mercur stimulated stimulated by pow powerful development I in in Lulu territory and a common inference r nce jn that the old oid guard has organ organized zed to back it was again the f f feature aure and moved rapidly up to 18 with that figure held out to it at atthe the close while its it neighbor Ingot was quite quie actively dealt deal in up to 5 cents on ona a a revival of the story that it is is td tO acquire franchises from Con Mercur that will wi enable the management to prospect it through the tatters tatter's ground ground May Day was eagerly eagerly- sought and sold up UI U to 55 cents with ith witha itha a 1000 distribution to be passed round in a few days Jays while Uncle Sam was in steady demand around 53 cents with Carisa changing hands at 39 cents at attIle atthe at Ute tIle finish Daly- Daly West Daly-West Vest weakened again and was carted off at 1 J 2585 2585 while Daly came forth to a bid 19 19 with wih Galena of Fish Springs f an order I at 6 cents California was again g raided and sold down to 4 cents with wih the shorts placing it in job lr loft lot around that figure while Century of Park valey valley on ona ona ona a report that the present assessment of 10 cents is to be followed by another was allowed to recede to 6 cents on the open board Lower Lowel Mammoth with I most sensational reports fron the 1000 foot level was traded in from up to 75 cents and closed with that figure bid while AJax was stationary around 31 cents and Victor around 42 cents Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine Sun Sun- shine again w went nt forward and brought 27 cents before it faltered although it refused to budge at less than 30 20 tents bents at atthe atthe atthe the close while Yankee Con worked its way up up to on future deliveries with wih Star Con changing hands at 27 cents and Ben Butler Buter at 13 cents the theay theay day ay closing on the following market A. A M. M 11 Call Cal P. P 1 M. M CalI Call Cal I IBid Bid Asked Bid Asked AJax 30 3 5 1 31 Albion 1 I 30 Alice 35 3 J Ia Beck Bull eck Boss Tweed 35 I. I 45 45 38 44 Ben Butler Buter 13 13 12 3 13 4 13 Carisa j 38 3 30 1 39 California 32 39 32 Century 03 06 10 Creole I 1 O 1 60 0 g Con Ie ur sf l ii r rt West Daly 2525 22 2600 50 2550 2600 Dalt L. L 20 on J 01 on Dalton Dalon 01 01 01 01 Dexter 2 Emerald ilc j JO E. E B. B B. B j 10 lOp 75 Galena al n J U 09 Grand Cent Cent 29 lf 93 32 Gold Eagle 01 03 01 03 I Golconda 10 10 j. j 10 I Horn Hor Siv Silver r. r 13 2 Ingot 05 C fd C 05 05 0 I Joe Jo Bowers Bower 03 05 0 05 Little Lite Chief 11 1 15 10 10 15 L. L Mammoth ammoth 74 78 79 78 7 7 La Reine Beine 20 r 24 20 2 Mammoth Manhattan 01 01 01 12 O 02 May Day 54 54 55 Mar Wash Wah 5 05 0 5 0 51 06 5 07 0 Nor Light 03 03 02 03 09 Nevada Nevada 01 01 Ontario Petro 65 J 90 15 Ana 06 10 10 06 10 Rocco-H. Rocco 0 0 Sunshine 25 1 28 24 30 Swansea 75 21 1 2 75 75 i S. S Swansea 1 29 22 29 2 22 2 27 JL 27 Sunbeam 2 35 c Sacramento nt 2 20 J 24 19 2 Star Con 26 27 27 2 2 2 Shower C. C 15 L 16 Silver Siver Shield 06 0 09 08 0 07 01 08 10 08 O 10 Tesora 05 I 20 18 Utah 15 Ia 40 40 L 50 5 v West M. M 1 G. G 03 I 03 1 03 3 09 Yankee e e d i r df Uncle Sam 53 1 53 63 53 59 53 51 Victor 41 42 41 42 MORNING SALES I AJax 1200 at 1000 10 at 60 at 31 c 5 at 10 at seller seler 60 da days das s b C. C at 3 c 50 at 31 seller seler 30 20 days BOO 50 at c 30 seller seler 30 SO days Carisa Caria at 39 9 c 1300 at bc c at f 1500 O at Bc c seller He 30 aJa days if at t c 2600 2 at 1000 10 at Con Mercur 1450 1410 15 at SO Jl-SO 18 1300 13 at i at at 7 at t at buyer y t thirty days i Jf i i at 1 3 at seller seler 30 dayS days Daly West 11 50 5 ap Lower Mammoth at 30 days at y c. c seller seler 30 days day at 9 at lIe Q seler seller May c Da Day COO GO at ic 5 10 at at 54 5 c 6 at 1 1000 at 84 iHo o seller seler 30 3 days 10 at Northern Norther Light 2000 20 at Ic I Sunshine I at t at i fj Uncle Sam ii at r i lo at c 30 at atc c at 53 II lien ifen Butler tf Kw 30 at tic California 00 at at 3 2000 at lIe a. a seller seler 10 0 days day 30 at 33 e 1006 1000 at It lIe seller seler 30 days 5 tit sit 33 5 at 33 c. c I Dalton Dalon 1000 10 at lc Martha artha Washington 2000 at Victor a at I i Yankee Yankee- c. c at 2 U at 10 at atI 2 at buyer TO 70 days I Ingot 5 at Sc 1100 at 2000 20 at 5 e 1000 at buyer 30 20 days Shares sold Old 56 5 Selling value OPEN BOARD r f Ajax 30 at Ben lIen Butler Buter nute 50 at 12 c. c Calsa Carisa 10 at I Sacramento 1000 10 at Shar Shares sold 1900 Selling value AFTERNOON SALES 7 Ajax 1000 at lie at Y 1700 at l Carisa fa at 3 1 c g at at t SOIl Con Mercur 50 at 81 seller seier 30 3 days 3 at 1 2 at 10 at 18 seller seler 10 days cays West Daly-West CO 61 r at 2 26 20 50 60 i at 2585 28 Daly 50 5 at Galena Galena 1000 lC at fie 6 days ingot lugot ot 2000 20 at at 5 c 1000 at 5 SC c. c buyer 30 3 I IMay May May Day 2100 at 54 c 4 at tAc 1 10 I at at y c 5 at 5 5 Star Con Con see 5 at 50 at 27 c. c Uncle nce Sam lUO at at 5 California 2100 at at 32 c 3 at 2 ic c 1000 lOOi at 32 0 seller seler 10 days 2000 2090 20 at atlIe I lIe seller sEler 10 days day Dalton lC at lc Century 50 at Sc Victor 10 at Shares sold 20 Selling value j I OPEN BOARD f f Con Mercur 10 at 1 18 isi seller sEler 10 days days' Century lOU 1000 lOO at be Cc tc 10 at Sc Oc Ic Martha a tha Washington 1000 10 at Victor 30 at at c Shares sold 2500 Selling value 2 50 The day on open board and exchange closed cosed wi with h the sale of shares of stock that thit thit brought |