Show tRING THE COAST TO ENGLAND ENGLAD S Says Say Swift Commit Commit- Will Make Paci Pacific c v Coast Nearer CORK ORK Feb Lord 12 Strath- Strath v 0 appears to have completely his health presided Tuesday a meeting of ot the Colonial Jal matEn matE matE- n J 1 H. H Turner read a paper on says Mays the London cort cor- cor it t of the Tribune e High Commissioner and the leral spoke of the locality of awn people and Lord Strath- Strath loudly cheered for saying that I le Ic 1 Individual In the whole DoId Dold Do- Do ild ld Id be got gOl to profess himself a A. He lie that rom corn t Ji 1 with Canada will shortly t Pacific const coast within eight days r Pr Freeman tie and and Gilbert Park- Park 1 referred to tile Hie strategic t t ad- ad ebl ti Columbia I to the tho e em- em |