Show 1 > lout KallruadllckiL Two railroad 1 men of Oregon have lu veutid sod patented a new local mileage mile-age tlckel which many believe wll 1 finally eupenede ibis prment farm o f ltckau on all lloti The ticket li made ol throng thin paper and oomei In roll uu mall reela Ji dltliri altogether from til m looal ticket now In oar Inaiuiuch IOU I U I aUtely mileage ticket uumbere 12 S etc uptoluucH The lick coinii lu roll ol IDWO tulle eaohind the purchaier ol teal Irauiportallun between two itatloni recelvei oil tho reel 1 aL numbir of nulls of llcke equal l 19 inn uiliance between me two plicei 1 From 1ortlaud to Junction Oily un the Houthim 1aclflc li I 110 mile It thli form of ticket were lu use and a urchaer wanlel Irani porlallon betwieo Ikea etatlona tha local ticket agent would limply tea RIO rollout lnusp amlllon I from the FI lilOOUmlla I roll Then be would put ou a flicker with the named of the < lalloui between the 110 tulles of Iran iwtatlou l Iherelia I perforated line running l through the ilckil roll leuglhwue 1 In I the middle I The ticket la I bitwd ou mileage and full fare I eo that when hIII fate llrkitiare told for children the perforated line li I called Into u > e aud Ihe tlclt t t li torn through llto middle linglhwlir onibalf of It tieh g used by Ibe hIII lara paueDRer am the other half bilug retained by lust agent sad lurtiv I Into tlm auditing dc parluiiut llntlaiul Ttltgiam |