Show TIIU Lf Tilt IIUII TIlUUIIIi Th italemtnt made dial hog cboVfa sties cone of the large l number of fatalltlfi that liar occutred amonit i swiss durlux the last few day In Hilt Lb snooty would be alatmlDg If that wire reason to believe but It was Irur flit tfldtiice however U I anelnit the clilra and Ill 1 Ii riaionably orlaln heath trouble H oiuieJ by tbe food and ruanmr trialmtnt that the hog ralienwbaar lUlIrrloK l lOll use bn ultlng to lhlt Hi lin e ACM A-CM of r g uulnt hr cholera has not been known test nnd colIIIII sits Very uurermbl tolls eteloj nif nl Tb robblllll tint there Ii no bK cholera does not however preclude pre-clude the ntreiilly of teeth bv log tzctedlngly careful In their use of peg iroducli The Imptttod i aillcle hit been looked upon ai lies only kind which conlalutd any icrlout minac health Ibt home product being regarded ai uiually ol a fair quality Tb teat lest lame local hujowntn are losing anlnuli lu tier manner stated < Ii likely to steaks that billef 1Mpl Mill conclude aud wllb a god show of ration teat those who do not give such care In food and treilmiut their hot 1 M lo keep Ilieiu from wliultitl dtilruellou u In lies eAU reported do not gtv sot flcknt cut to make the anlniili fit for human coniumt lion It cutest 1 us If ilrs rriioiiilUMty for Hie looil box IrouUta Ii I lu the letntanm < Iboie who Late beencoLjuotllif theilllcleJ Iu |