Show AN LUllA UIIAlJIW I cuilnlictuccrof Ibo Utah Itnlruli tomlruclUin JMirliatrttAeur Among tbe tend I exhibited attire 1loDfer gathering Ballalr ai men I loood in the Hgsi VfFiLY ISM an August nth was the last tae laid on Ito Utah Central kradr which brinK to ruy memory the laying down ot the lint lie I Ogden bleb was done by luyelf and Roderick Barb The grade win flulibed I for I0ftb dlitanie rom the foot ot Twenty flllh Houlh to Ito Weber river when the first two cirluadof tin arrived from the lash lie ties I came lu double length and had lobe sawed In two requiting iwo men to taTIi u llie late Jlou > uimoil Ulllo had the gradlnK coo teach the lone Juhn teiklui wee boil After llnlihlnu the grade to a point when the Ogden bridge over the Weber river Mae lo uoramtncc orders tune for ui to rums lo Halt Like Lily Wo started early In I the mornlni uilug iliankii HUM ui a conveyance When wo gulls far a arnilunlon 1 tbluklt waitlia hors begun to Eel hUD trrlookluz tows tu help I them out 1 called at the lllibopi houie aud alter rxilalulnc inatteo to tbe lllihop logy she gave ui a tang loaf ol bread which carried ui through to the ell Mrlvlnu etllD 8 ao 1 U In the even lug where wo worn comfortably ontor tanned by Brother Utllci family Next ruornlci llrother IIll1e took us 10 the residence 01 llrother dense Kux + un Hauth Temple and wo were nupplleo will a tent ootk veaudxrauluk 1 hurls Com nenalUK at a paint autos dltUuce numb gill Warm tiprlugi I Me worked nulh 1111 we came to what li now ate Or 1 depot whore we On broke ground Netr the northeast corner ol tbo block was n lane mound evlleitly nn old Indian burying Kround In livellnK Ihli mound n > roundel couiUorable number ol skulk bono stone mortari nor grinding rialu clay pipes etc I limited a whorl barrow with these ruorlari and bone and look them to the Ueierol museum treated at tin llmo on Houlh leuil hunt KH eclfully youn Alix I HUM |