Show oUT rxairlY iiAiiiittMlofe lllfrllui IIMteeTll III lln ud Iro h 0 WAiiiiNcitoNUC Aug SO Kvety now aud then there li I an ugly crop pin out of lllftellng between Ibe Hue aud ttall ol the navy wlnoh hat b c me particularly rauoaroniiluce Ilia ilrenuauicOorll put forth by tbe for olar Iu 000 IhIlog ur Ibe Iorr reorcanltalion till whun bean very orC or r hnrd ii > on th itaU Tlii lalnl I mani feilalloti ol Ihli li a iharp filter of reprimand addreeied by Hicreliry Her lert tu Ijit Aialitant Knglneer Frank Al llenuelt who till Irani particularly active In defending Ilia Itall depart minta a almt in allacki ol tho Mm Ill junuiuce of thli work tio vrrulo leveralarilolnlor 1 a mtKitio which arouml Ibo In of Admiral Ureer a Una l Ulcer who complained loth lecrelary In Ibelnlereil of Ihniervicu Hi lecrolary wai unjer Ihe ueceailly 01 rprlmo III Ih 11011 h withdrawn from him Ihu right to enter Ih conlroveliai field I IhrougU tbe prcn and uiagatlnia A t le frali In Tli11 IJoSlox Aut W The Antrlcan lluuf anil tvltim lltiwltr tomorrow will i flili hai UU Dill In whale a lair week lur tridr ana wool lu lie eril 1 have been told at as hlnh a price at auy tlmo duilt Ina nioctb the luipen 10 Under whim trade Im labored I telug at 1 111 rlld 1 uow the leellng In Kencral li h lul The palti ol Diec oonilitcd mainly of tnedmm mid luw medium unwaaued wuuli al UO I50i o wblch ievral huuJitd l liuuiand I ouudl were liken file Texai WoJl wa InloraedeunuJ Therewelaialea olihotlat or eUht HDiilhi al 1 tJo aud a lalrilnd lot ol twelve moiitluat lui la llt I loraveraxn aud ISO to I5o for choice Oreiou wool wi lu fair leijueit al 1 curtcni ijuota tloni Wriuule medium icouiyd 90 luScJ I Hue medium aioto30fj Hue 170 Iv I r Clltorol uuJ i8o lo aoc rlu aio 11S7 rhtaleiof I in wok amount lo I 3 014000 iwuudiol l douieitlc aud 3UUiAI n uudiof foreUu maklnM total ul 3 VHOuU uudi lialnila lotaloflbill IMJ lor Ibe pmvieui week and a lolul ol IUIAUOIivrIhe votreipoudluj week ul tailear |