Show Laud I alnico The followlnx flllngi were made lu this local land edict under date of Auj SOWN 1 uenmr Olllle ol Heaver City heaver county homeitead onlry ot he north half ol the northweit iju > itirthe northwest iuarlor ot lire uorlhtait quarter and the toulhint ijuarler 11 I uenortbwnt quarter 01 xctlou 83 tuwnihln UTiouiU roOK 7 weal Charlti W llulteii ot Clarkciton Cache ooullly hon enlrad entry ul bo east half of the uoilhtail Uartrr auil the cast half of lbenuttlu1 iuarler 01 uotloulS townihlji H north range weit |