Show Produce Market SALT rAKE LAKE CITY OlrY BUTTER First grade lb Ib 35 Second grade graae Ib lb 34 Sweet cream butter lb Ib a 30 JU 39 Parchment wrapped Vio O lu leas lelL EGGS Large hU dot dor 23 2 Medium white whit ChEESE doa doz I- I 22 2 Full Pull cream crum triplets triplet Ib lb 16 Pull Full m cream creata Ion longhorns Ib lb 17 Pull Full cream 5 1 o. o sandwich T d. d hi loaf r l. l Ib rU 17 Jack cheese 5 S lbs Iba each lb Ib 19 Wheel Swiss ch cheese domestic lb Ib 23 Block 25 brick bricks lb Ib 28 28 LImburger r lb 1 bricks Ib 2 5 Cream brick 5 r k n Ib lb 23 23 Roquefort n 5 Iba lb fie each Ib lb b 65 65 65 Full cream daisies Wisconsin i cured j pound v I. I 22 Full Pull cream Wisconsin cured lb Ib 23 23 Full cream crem triplets western cured pound 20 20 Full i cream western cured lb Ib 20 20 Ew 1 NEW YORK March 13 Butter CAP AP Butter Receipts I iJ firmer creamery h higher than extras tra 32 Vi G extras 92 2 score hr firsts fIrst 90 to 91 Ic score acore re 31 fIrsts r II 89 score acore unquoted c centralized 90 score scort 31 price Cheese e unchanged Receipts tl O f 8 pounds firm Eggs ReceIpts Eggs Irregular M Mixed colors Special packs Ice or i from from fresh r receipts 21 j 22 c standards and commercial standards 20 e flute first 1 1944 seconds 19 f c dirties No i I l. l 42 pounds pound 18 1814 average ehe checka Jc 18 All AU white brown sod and duck eggs Live Livi poultry poultry poultry-By By express chicken 21 broilers fowls 17 Other Other- prices e Dressed d poultry Irregular rl sui r Frozen Tur- Tur Turkeys keys key eva 22 fi 31 II c I other frozen zen and rUb prices un unchanged 0 T 1 CHICAGO March larch 13 CAP AP Poultry Poultry Live Ive 16 trucks steady 5 S pound lId and nd less leaa more than S 5 pounds Je 20 c hen hena lOVic Plymouth and White Rock springs colored p Plymouth mouth and nd d White e Rock 2005 colored colored i Plymouth t Ol Jn and Whit Rock broilers ra colored 23 roosters 16 e 16 Ae turkeys It 11 18 heavy huY white duck small mal heavy colored small al geese lOc capons apon r 7 pounds up c 26 lesa eu i than thau 7 j pounds pound 2 Dressed turkeys Steady Steady Unchanged un hanged changed tr cry ry Butter Butter ep specials clala r 83 93 I acore rf 09 g 63 steady l J. J cream i 92 2 score acore 30 c extra firsts 91 90 scores first 80 scores 29 29 c standards 00 centralized carlota carlots 30 c. c Eggs I ec steady extra first t local e cars eara fg e e trash freih b rJ graded local cara cars lie iDe current receipts lpt 17 c. c 70 on track 1 U total otal U. U S. S 8 shipments 1048 supplies light seed eed stock local offerings offering lI light liht ht demand dimand active stock firm for heat best demand iw slow low sacked per cwt I Idaho Burbank But Bur banks bank U 8 No 1 1 Sew few SI 11 80 Colorado doUY i U. U 3 rW No o ll 1 Jl 80 3 DO Triumphs Triumph U. U S a. a No and pa partly IY Ira graded 1460 I LOS March Marc 13 UP UP-J UP UP Butte r and Ji egga I Butter Extras Butter 31 Vic up le Ie Ic prime prIm firsts 31 c. c up tip lc Ie idl standards u up 1 31 up lVie Rl Large and m medium unchanged n I small maU down 1 lUc IVic c. c 1 j 1 Western c trip trip- lets eta lS c 16 prints 17 c c |