Show A uwu ChI 1 ttiian UAT In I t inn lUu lour 1 Vivo and ttko lu ipirlt of luiruekt and with H dttlrn lo lUlitiii limo lurdiu ut much I utioulblu I I nil around should l ho tin rule 1110 who s mploy labor In particular par-ticular oboul < l bu mUll curcful to keu that uiiuii thy have to rettrict Ihelr upeutlolla 10 1II0t Ibo cOlllroDoll liuilDww the lajliiR oil reiullnut U u ariuiiKed I that thu burdom will be uiultably tiUtrlbuled and theruli mitdo an light aa p iwlbliv + fhu News 1 It I couilrolned to rruilnd tumu ol thu emilojuiiiliiuiirmldit tint they nrx not dolut tills that they are In fact taking ndvuntauu nf the tlluitlnu In mnU tholr huiluut morn inolliutilu iven than before whuu tlmet well noimal Wu bear ot one or two cininnli whcie fulllug oil lu tratllo la computed IA it J f at toy lOll percent To reJUc t the pay roll 10 that client would ol our i > e 101 cr If thereby no doll ment that might Injure tin butlneii later uii took place olhcrwlto the burdoii had better be borne for n time Hut conceding that the icduitlon It I neceottry and rife there would teem lo to no rMton for Making a nester reduction labor than ft I tuniclent to recoup the amount loot In bu < lne i mid the comranlet irokenof liaveaone creally beyond Ihu havo not only mate than olfel thu aui mut ll hy trebling It In the amount iivcJ l through rediietlniit In the walking force but here aotually added other rrle tu tbelr gilnt by luire llig the bciuriof lervlce teruiemof those re lamed without a corresponding Increate In-create ul couin ulloU fill It I 1 > rac llcliigrn the mMorlunn of otheri estractlng gain from itiircnthat need help l Instead of telniraijutt at the clrcumiiancvt will i ermlt I On Iho parr hand we hear of firm and l corpuralUut that ate duliiK at iirtil Iy right In this rnitter at U racllcable The meu who are laid I nil AID not dlchar eU atlo < elli > r and Ihor burdens 110313011 upon thute who remain at In the carat alwve men lluned thu iiulldayn no around Im larllaliy tu that whllnall loaualltlln uu one been roll It nit till a much Leper lion I toady nothing ol the mat tn of Ken ri lly slid 1 care for others nelfauT |