Show fn twu Ills UrUU1 oml tt IPI TOl7 BECKTOLD CO oUUL Book Manufacturers = = = = = = and Book Binders 101111 Ilno 8tool ST LOUIS YAtw1 tel Shht tautt9sL a04 it tIIllw frllltr b r fckteietfi Us I0lu1 t Stlt Stale Inlrri 11111 Ill IJlm 1 put tllo e Lt 1150 11 ItL MO JIIICSS II I DIET R rs riilf DB tmi Ire mote and pump Co for Ietewn ODd IIhro 01 1 tlr terry erf 0 se 1 reamenu 1It mar no atolb of holheterlletoad 00 bwa le m eoselr rcu LemVJeee Mae n SeIltrr SUIIIf Chorloll ulte Tovr Ud loINUe rUCcorOLD J co Dcseret News Publishing Co Pioneer JL L I B ookbi9dery of the West KSTABLISIIKD 185O BOOKBINDING and PAPER RULING In all its Ilrancbei Abstrncts County Work Blank Books Aro Specialties County Blanks Trice fnrnltheil on application Direy Tar Want mad lost KraJoof niiterUlt uOl lo make our week durable All work guiranliod CUNNINGTON CO fAL Z Llb7 L70 OZ4Y amass ror 411aNAL t 4 a + t 7 r l a 1 rirJ R r re 1 ewr tea T eXwond Iillary aid SolUaj woe ula Wo know of nothing that can compnro with tho Graefdlliioi f r Pill o Al n 1iiiiilly Till limey are not only lllil but HxcitilluRl Kffretltc THE BEST HEADACHE PILL Gra f nlJ r Ct11O1icOll ll o alp Kornn ol Krtnnlo Cllr ompliiluli NrrTiiui S ni inliiinkM BUI tionornl llcMlllj o Oo1J I by lIut nod xeeal store leeO tore pahepLhL o 1ioolihirC05 f r C 111 CHAMBEHS sir I UBW YORK U 7 SALT LAKE GRAIN CO TLoUlllt and 111111 lltiltri la g lWCN SEEDS ftflSP I 11 Wool 11t Sulh SIt TtMolen m fell Lab1 V5 DR SCHEUTCKS Mimlrako 1IIU ba > e a value ai a houw hold l remnly far lioyoml ttieioweraflan ljuns to ilricrlli the family can hardly be true to Ilielf that does not keep Uoui ou liinj 1 for me In eintrKunu04 MANDRAKE f < the nly vtRtlatile autntltnte for that ilan oroua inliioral MLucuiirnndwUllo lit action at a curatlxili fully equal It IAIIOUIM uono of Ut orlloui < iTwtt In Comtlutlon llllllakA aol upon the IxmeN 1 vrlthnut illpoIilK Ihrm lo iiitio < iiiont contlrenow No remiHlf act n > illreett on tin llvor nothing no H > celly 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rill mitt lioiild aol be undo T elm 1I u iiiuriTlli lil Tin AHMIMS mIll f ealornf Stn eslteui ileutemin r Alen Sere Stint tltnQ hla ha 11au h ruin ilulr CIlAed lt niirlnf for III nr 01 of Mlt ol 110 r rrt IrreIrt fur Ins s 1htm oat ui r 0h ll uli teforoonltreillVlbi Juilnii uf mia Lourt Ihit II vcnon a InUrtli I 4n llm IinI i h Irubalo w I dd ourl d t < il 1 uailAV ub r tlio 0010 ni I iljy ol riMltiiilwr hen I it II ociiie in liu taro aid dy the c000010 u n of old 1nl l iIiiitt It the fonnf sun float li the I 1 liy md Iounir of bill I eea + Huh sear lory to huwr rAue shy un orilf r lioul I not ho l terns t ills card idiiimlumiir In in M inuilicf tlio 0 rtil l il Ins l 0 Ibo mill 1 dorotat 1 r YIW 01 b1 I w n0 ary 114 shot 4 ugly n5 laic u r I mr his l ie hie 1 euri I 151 rn 01 lr 110 wera In II I 1 Mtm eneeL i > Hprr iirintiit 1 h mil pulilihnl lr I c lOt ill I eul n lay t al I I rd purlkil y ilerelcillu isltj prukii tieS uu l lilt I 1 bool JAlllll IIIA1II 1rololo JuJsc into Auquet lit 1 > 3 liio Lt x Uluiu AUoiaiyl lor ilnilnu I Ir UNION I PACIFIC SYSTEM THE THROUGH CAR LINE llistft Jllh riiii > > > a S1eSe dawn sell rape of ass tale OIJ lOsS e te lrtn A5 IN Yrom ill IiMMa polau 1 Mate Nom mtl IDfUnd a > a runS run-S heha Panel lad uneN b a hi From i > IMMMB relate rwi riir sadlsdsa 11 1100a Prom Maras taney and O4ea 1 10 p m From tr0e Cad IHernJWI p05 1 15000 from 0nferaJahxephl lrore rromr nka aid imnnKlnw 1 pla0 UII p m Tron TctniaiH ml T < mlt S 10 p m napAYr cr tilde Irk Cllr and a I iuUOa palate5W ae Yon Ililll IVtUn nn rmaa5ee cml l Cache illir Moan lor UIOM iMtr i > i uu pulls > ail a111NM5 Kui 0 H p I or Otn HitetMiiuutionu lad tin rruobmi < 10 r e IPM 1 Lnrekc i IYM sd wilnrd T U a m 10 from a4 InutBitdiMo polaM a a p n Tor Tootle ted Ttrmin 1 M an 511ae oahr oa lIu i > r nedattdtr aJ Fuday ITflln Booth 00 Jon Sell en I ttnet week lrs look eloaay Wdeay nod ridiy liltiof rriio Tundiy lauredty and eoturdy City TIcket CUM 201 Main Street Ii R IIUIIIIIY ocni Ait teeter 1105 L UIOK1XIKI1 ltnertl ytn < trI > tr-I 1JUUAX U 1 A T Aitnl Rio RIO GRANDE GRAiJDE WESTERN WESTER C Dludrd OOefe 5 ° e COUCU TlIII UIU lie sf1rl Jute both UU n edT un x40 e Ih ID illpomu Kui Ile 11 tra Noi forlrovotirindJiDeUoDa < l UlpOUU kill J VlpI Jotloe es 017o0 µ Ha µ g tri Ufdee od P 1 It tnpla pm 01 Uldee cal he went e 11 1511 JaarO 1I KaiFrom Bute a tts0 braal J005linr00 the Ora thlelan iiIIIO 10 J rrom ITotci dread Jiaeiioa aadne x150 Ililope lo trrom HlBiblm IroToliunU I oan µ cull Hinoi 7 l ale t afm Otdw ass 010 Omt I aonNam UJn ass tin 11100 7110 to I 1 iiT ruob i Ihrousu a 1WIWo J I 11e JUrelsg Ne 4 swarm 0151 let 5 J urlh oat Ia I 11 enA 1 in tu I olnrid iMHall Knd only lint runa M Pullman e1MMr5 110 late tn ln Ynprlra xeehlns nor eonneaona 1q rpKaf o 010 ineOMMNr4 it 51A I 5 erh 1ILUK IIi nr Uct IIUlI L I a III1NIIrr U Santa Fe Route Are You Going to the WORLDS FAIR If 10 dont fid to itrnro your llcitli roilmf Rio Grande Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railways The only line running Iullman Hlropliig Car 1410011 l Oitlon HoH Uko City and Ch Imago without CIIIII The Shortest Quickest Line Sconory Unoqualotl Cqulpmont Unourpussocl Train Iwitn lllo CIOIIld Wwlcru Io polSOtt Solon t ny at Tiin pm I luktiillia i > l lnS II UUUMTl Uenl A cunt IUKBgei liF > nrlini > nt rid 1M1 > llulldlnif p llif R t 1 MIGHLIMD 1KiaJ1dta tT etc a Ill PURE UNSWEETENED JMI TlDLII tl JOKIWI IU 10 1400 ElilJlO For Sale by Grocers and DruggIsts S DMrAUIIlIlD IrA Jo Oepij N Jbglo FtoLOe Uudertaksr cl Utah i I XanuJC i n ant main it jn iit tf Una M r4 5nJ poA Crnd COFFINS MID CASKETS 1015 LIn et Cool runlhlr kept eon n n tl 1 7 on 1 1u A Trlrph cot ni frfA OrJwrrom 7a7 J5sell ar nadir pour 1 1 in belt Ntturll C004l u 1u wlnout sate tlanrte OPEN DAY AND NIGHT r Noffi3 E First Sootb 5005 and 0 call II lid Sac al nUll rAOL0egcaa l 4 ha Il 1 star slard QUII Ufor 0011 91 nonnou Aa snmtet of 00 jLMftll IftlMblUMI Of tht Aaemrea comO MM cuss kr tkl 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Ulrllaunry of Shin hook or urwee ciu lln an n Tt Illilory of Ilio Mormon c < I nillcaiiltl Hir UfiTjumMllMA QActeual 101 Ll13t0Ytn 5550 olomeo CUll Tender and JWMeat Good Bread and Pastry CAN ONTY B13 OBTAINED Bl3 USINC rt S 4RRT r = f DAIC DR R x OAK c LcI f 1io Af > lr f Ilff Superior In Construction and Finish I Absolutely Perfect In Operation I Economical In tho Uso of Fuol I Durablo anti Handsome ZocjoL San l thenla u RUPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY Kit Oflrnlltn from lulnr tv relrr ynu 00 0151 llrnlilull Mle of folortilo wad ilx hn tloull IUnb1 In Jlnfr alia Mtloriikk A Cn1 I lUoktti IMII Llktk t1Lttoelr1nMha wrjlMniuen mtN to 150 e sun JllplMaop111111 ItM n115L a wI qrt lb on of lIIMrll tl YIIIUJ > ue uuur 01 h 115LUSawS LXAMINATION rRCIt THE OE MILLER COMPANY ft iRIWUndlKI Ceo tlt5ltnn Wort HH Labs CUf nllcilliHin eii ll A m 3tnBp tn iI Qtuar tL FrUlltil iliiiiiAH IJREWINfl it FISIIKU COS B E E R Has boen seloctecl by tho Mnnaitomont of Snltalr beach Co as the only homo producod artlolo Prlco 20c per Oottlo W > Family Trado a SpoctaltyYv7 eFOA ALL KINDS OF I OOK BINDING z PAPER RULINQ BOOK AND JOB e PRINTIN J < I I U AND STEREOTYPIN SCXU TO TIIS DESERET HEWS PUBLISHING COSPAKT Silt Lake City Utah BrcotLtting Bros IV Main Slrnet KH Lake City Utah 2101 WaiblngtonAto Ogdon Ulab e I Wholesale and Retail I ion i-on 1II0k Iiitoli Ammunition 1lhlni Tacklo Toni Itammorkt Vic hose llall Law Tennis Clek Hupplloi Alhlotlo loin lab ito Agents for tporllng liiaitliiK ant Nitro 1uwdtra Mid for new Illulrnlo1 C > taloiti 1 r O OlOy J Q < r Q I roo O iJ l 00 i c S S + O Q ARKER Im WtE J PRACTICAL GUNSMITHS UoHtooHImr llorlmr null Guiiurul llopalilii Models and toys of all IClnds Mado Safoo Ropalrod KS C03IJIKIICIAI bTIIKKT HALT LMCU OilY nZGN 0s xnxOr eLbow C For BIDDERS PRINTERS TIlt KAQIE KtASTtO TAIILKTIKO COMPOilTIDN TUB F1NK8T article la the world for making tat atrongtit moil elutle durable ud bandjome blndlnf Illll Ileadj Statements UillroaU Illanka Ste At Unit oneball cheaper than the old method 01 eoverlai till eAjr with colored paper HII no oHeaitTe or onliealtbr odor ant aai peund will do mare tuao two POIIIICh at anyol Ws liquId proa uuUou III much leta east Iat up In two poaa4 boxes and 0014 1 at aUaaUoturen prleo 40 Onll per pored at the oCDESEBET NEVUS OFFICER 1 0 x |