Show A Ilia1 tnsk llnl Celloe ClIICAUO Aug ITho big deal III poik which bin held Ihu rice of that commodity nt Inordinately blgli UK urn for inunlhi collapse thIs mornIng morn-Ing accompanied by thn ainounev mint of Ibo fillure of the three lending houwa coiiceruud l III II J MIr 1 W llalley nut A C Htnipoln risptunber pork closed yitterday at JlJ nnd elebued till morning at 1873 wrnt down fl by i ntr Sac 60o L aid Uollart till filth biC Uriel hat been ntclud whtn rally to 1180 stood lly followed Heptembir lard op cool ot U7S slid told n two ai 715 Illb o tnul 732J nnd old down tooth Tbu grain maiketii did better thin morning Hej lembcr wheat oiHiiinl nt 5iJ selling uji to UI and It I now Mi I Coin woe radically uu ohaugnl Latt Much tho trade began lo bo aware that hark I wai being lulled and soon II became ginerally understood that a dial wui being run by tlngl largoopalo II ha ollllnu < over lnO and tr Iie blast two weeks blue 0110 which cm today WI I Iluitneul amid moot 01 Iho oIle Id8 dulled Imlu I Ibo toil aol swathed blue ixplotlon The three houiei whic failed today were simply broken for the man running the deal and were iomillcd lo Uipuml became of hue Inability to metl lilt I uirniiemenli I with Ihrm ThuuI Oil ituieuint ol thu alfalra of Ihe failed firm which Ward among Ihe noel popular nnd retpecled lu blue rorlilon trade II li eitlmalud l however that the Uol aggregate lldy 10 sIxty thoutaud burrelt which nt a lost ut JO her barrel on Ihe lowest 10101 riachid loly would Involve fiSDOUl 10 SSDUOd Alter Iho Intone excitement which prevailed half an hour nfter the oi nlng tbu maikil bucima quiet nnd Him nil trade with the failed IIU I borne having been settled Thn prlcu or Se ember lrk advanced to 12 eaaud oil some nnd lcim itagnant CIIIIAUO Aug lJut ni mutteri bad lutlled down on the board aierlis of thunderclap fairly hook the building Thu failure of Ibu American Ameri-can Tacking do Trovltlou com tally ard of Jack Cudaby n urlut orator lu products and of Wrlgbtandllaunchlybcavyrccilvera and dealer I In grain wore announce sod created the uluiott ooniteriiallun and 01cc began tumble all over Ihu floor ur this exchange Hepteruber wheat closed 691 Hvplembor lurk > T OIS1 Hi Umber I lard 0021 He lembur rlU |