Show TIIOSE CATTLE THEFTS Bechtol and Ross Have 1 Prd mini Hearing this Morning Tmlmonr for 51cc lrofriillnn lend Iota lit Inrnlnnl I 050 of lice DrlriiiUiiU TIle tWeJ Olea nccunej of vrlioleialo cattle ttonllng at Uranttvllli Tooelu county lu the mouth of June lost Levl llechtol sled John nwer brought up lu Commtuluuer Trail court it 1090 Ihli morning loaLtwer the charge grand larc uy Thu f cola of Ibe tao wero reported lu Ibo > Ks lest Wk upon thu erred of the defendant de-fendant by I thu county herm AllhouKb alargu number of rallle have biun ttolen from fliutri and 1 other reldnt of Tooole county wlthlu Ihopaityiar Iheru li I ut Indent only oOds complainant vOn Mr H I H Wortblnglou from whom thee defendant defend-ant are allrued lo havo taken elgbt bead of stock llchloh who lese been living heir lrenlsvilln Mod lice moos now de fended by Altorjie Keuner am ryhor lice rokeculloii i I was conducted by County I Attorney Muri hy Mr WoithlURtou Was thee I lint wit uiKt lie li a farmer aud lock ralier of Urantvlllo and Hated that Ibo catlle In iuc llon which were located on tile lnrre MIle Cliuk norlbeatl uf Uraiitvllle < lli reared I letweeu t Wednitday June Will and tIer follow hog lrlday lie head known lleehlol about twenty yean but thee other defendant de-fendant 0 a ttniiKrr to him lie rexttaw Ilie table after their dltap leartiiCK on lice irimlte of Mr Welter butcher of Murray Turin uf 01cc lIlmlll teach been tltughtered und thu idiots were In l a barrel underneath under-neath water Wltnetti brand was Uou thtt bide rice rrmalnder 01 Ibu lell eight cues wore In Woller ° cor lvldinrewaa given to the tiled that Hrehtol und How were deco to gtlher on Ibn eveiilugor lieu 23lli lost ou hurtvbek In the vlelnlly where Mr Worlhlugtonii I calllu weruiatur bog while brother i thecomilaluanl i leklllled to having eec 1 two men alout tlio lIner of lIce 10 lmo Iburoblury toruu Iwelvu uilltt dltant Iroui where Ibi couiplaluaut cattln wee tensIoned and about J oclock In the morning driving number of biad l of lock unit Vile imm Were on borieback but on I neti could not twear that they were thudelendautii Olher leitlmony wme odered it to Ihu driving of thee eallln toward Hal Lake ono whIte reswee rIng lo Ilecblo ai one of Die men but bu could not tmakat lo Iho Identity of lunolhor Wl I rim cuttle fifteen or Iwinty I bund I were Jaded I ho mulch l n1 1 apeooeeh l to havu been driven fid thltwaiabou o oclock In lie inornlnir Tbo rotcuilon retted about noon and l when tide NEW reporter loll a 1 30tbu attorney lor lIce defentn wa addreHlng the oouit ou a motion to dlimlt the catu thiy clalmlug lha out thu a protocutlou CHI had failed 10 muku |