Show MOREHEIBENCHMENT Fly Hen Laid Off By the City Rail way Company UMON IAIIIIC luUMIKV lOHii Work lbtoo Cut hilt by the Ilio brando McittrnAgentt Withdrawn Sliojimcni Hollilir nilrencbment li h the order all along the lluu of builiiMn Following In thu wake of other big corporation tho Halt Iao Clll HIred Jlallway company ait evening laid 1 of fifty men and four car Ai a reiull them I toon sldirable regret nod ability among the men who service weredlipcntnJ with thom who were foilunntu enough to ntiln their iwiltlout are viry happy over that fact There li ono future under the new niiangement however Hint Ihey are not pleated 1 WIth That of Inireulug IlKlr working tlmu from hor111 twelve bourn Hut then bard time thuy ay tbiy would rather work nx toot houm a day er almoit any other number tlun lee I ibelr lout Hii > eriuieudeul lleeil wit uiki by a Nxunrii I < irliT loOny what ocoailouea the big ruducllon sot he replied that I WA duo 10 Ihu general tlrluouoy In hart and for ollur r raw in tinted I lollows A good inany Improve mont haII toem made on Ibo a J item and l all the rolling flock repaired and lot In tool condition Many nf I the men were iituOtOum5l and having done the work for which they aero eufagud 1 wna not i el iso ny lo keep them any longer At lo hoW long the blow I coo retrenchment plan would rtmalit luforco bo baa nut the thgulett lIsa |